So We're Dating Now?

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Monika smiled at me. So I guess we were a couple now. Who knew that this would happen only after a day. I was honestly pretty surprised.

"Wait but Monika. You don't feel a little weird about this? I mean, you've only known me for a day."

She giggled. "According to your computer, I've known you for a while. And you're so sweet to me, Danny. I think I made the right choice."

I was flattered that she thought that.

"Well I'm glad you feel that way."

She smiled and leaned her head on me. I hugged her and leaned my head on hers. I enjoyed my time with her, but I still felt a little weird about the whole situation.

I mean, Monika didn't exist until last night. And now here she was as my girlfriend and leaning her head on me. Maybe I shouldn't be overthinking it. I should just enjoy it and do my best to keep Monika happy. There would be some complications on where she lived, but I'd figure that out later.

There was a knock on the door. I answered it and was greeted by Keith and an unrecognizable girl.

"Hey Danny, I hope you weren't busy. I just wanted you to meet Kiara."

The girl approached me. "Hey, I'm Kiara."

Monika got up and approached the door.

"Hey Kiara, I'm Danny."

"And I'm Monika, his girlfriend."

Keith looked a little surprised, but Kiara just smiled.

"Well it's nice to meet the both of you," Kiara said.

"Did Odin bring someone too," I asked.

"Yeah, they're upstairs right now. I think we should give them some private time," Keith said.

"Maybe you two would like some also," Kiara added.

"Yes! That would be wonderful," Monika enthusiastically said.

Keith laughed. "Alright then. Kiara and I will be in the living room, if you guys need anything."

"Thanks Keith," I said.

I closed the door and lied in bed with Monika. But I felt pretty tired, even though it wasn't that late. Monika noticed.

"You tired," she asked.

"Ah, just a little. I'm sorry Monika, I was hoping we could stay up the night and hang out."

She smiled. "That's okay. Maybe another night."

I grabbed the remote from the nightstand. "You can go ahead and watch something if you'd like."

She declined it. "That's fine, I'll just lie down with you."

She hugged me and I adjusted my position. After I did, she tightened her hug and put her leg on me. I think I heard her giggle a little. I could feel myself getting excited again, but I just ignored it and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to some loud banging noises. I checked my phone and saw that it was 1:30 AM. The banging noises were coming from the ceiling, so I was guessing it was Odin and whoever he was with. If I hadn't known what was going on, I would've guessed that someone was getting beat to death. A feminine moan confirmed my suspicions.

Monika was lying down next to me. I moved closer to her and hugged her. She surprised me by hugging me back.

"You're awake," I quietly asked.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep. There was so much noise and I had so much on my mind."

"Yeah they're making a lot of noise up there. What were you thinking about?"

"I just feel like I'm kind of a burden. You're doing so much for me, and I feel as though all I've done in return is stress you out."

This was surprising to hear from Monika. I would've never guessed that she felt this way.

"You're not a burden, Monika. I'm glad you're here. You make me feel happy and ever since you've been around, I haven't been feeling lonely. You seemed so happy before I fell asleep, what happened?"

She sighed. "I was thinking about how you fell asleep so early. It was probably because of me. You slept really late last night so that you could help me, and you woke up really early to help sneak me out of your house." Her voice started to break a little. "You spent two hundred dollars on clothing for me and you're keeping me a secret from your family. I can see you're stressed when you think about how you're gonna keep me here. I just feel like your life would be a lot easier without me."

She started to tear up. I had never thought about Monika crying. It broke my heart.

"Monika. I love you. I don't mind spending money or time on you because I love you. I know it's only been a day, but I really feel like you're my soulmate. The one I want to be with. We'll find a way to make this work. And I promise, you are not a burden. My life has been way better since you got here. And I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"I love you too, Danny."

I brought her close and hugged her. She buried her face on my shoulder and cried. After a little while, she moved her head from my shoulder and rubbed her eyes. She sniffled a little and gently lied her head back on my shoulder.

"You feel better, Monika?"

She nodded her head and adjusted herself on my shoulder. I put my arm around her and drifted off to sleep.

Goodnight, Monika.

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