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Nini pov.

There is traffic, it took me almost 45 minutes to get to the studio. I rush into the room, Jamie turns to me. I know he's going to scold me. "Shut up. did you know Gina and Ricky were coming this weekend?" he looks at me confused, "No. They're here?" He looks surprised, "DAM IT DAM IT."  i set Alex's carrier down and my stuff. Im shaking my head. "They know. They know..." Hes shaking his head too. "i told you to tell them. Do they know who the father is." i nod, "im sorry i told you to keep it a secret. " i say to jamie, "shes your sister." he laughs, "and your my best friend, and my best client." he replies putting his hands on my shoulders. (an.Were making him 20...ok like on the wiki it says 20s..so he is 20..) and pulling me in.I melt into his body, its comforting. When we pull away i say, "tomorrow.." he sighs, "tomorrow." 

flashback two months ago

leo is crying, im crying, i need help, but my moms are on vacation, and marvins with his boyfriend, so im alone its 12 am. i reach for my phone and almost call ricky, but instead i call jamie. Hes my closest friend. We live near each other, the same compound-type place. he picks up on the 2nd ring, "Jamie," My voice is shaky and sound like I've been crying, which i was. "Nini, what happened." his voice is sleepy. "I need help. Im sorry if i woke you." I say i shake my head,"Nevermind sorry go back to sleep." i am cradling leo, he's wailing, "Im coming over," jamie says. "No you don't have to, go back to sleep. I just feel alone. I needed company. Sleep. Please." i say quickly. "nini I'm coming over." he said with finality, and hangs up.

I am sitting on the couch when the doorbellrings. It started raining a few minutes ago so i run to the door. Jamie is standing there soaked. "Dude get in here."  i pull him into the house. leo, isn't crying anymore. I grab jamie a towel. "your and idiot. I told you not to come." he smiles, " Neens ill always be here. Plus leo is my favorite little guy." he says walking to leo.  leo loves jamie, he likes him more then me. "I went through 12 house of labor, and gave up my body for that child. for him to love my best friend more then me." i say shaking my head. he laughs holding leo, he looks really good, like a hot dad...stop nina.. nope don't go there, number 1 he's your boss number 2 he's your best friend, and last time you dated your best friend... leo starts fussing, "he's hungry." i say taking him, i breast feed, so jamie turns and goes into the kitchen. I turn and go into my room.  

When i come out, jamie has grilled cheese and water out for us in the living room. he's putting twilight on the tv. leos in a swadle . He is falling asleep now. I rock slowly. When he's fallen asleep, i slowly get up and put him into the crib. i sit back down smiling. I successfully put him down without him waking. i do a little dance, "HES SLEEPING." i say in an excited whisper. He smiles at me, and holds up his glass of water to me, we clink and take a sip. "Hows your other clients." I ask, he smiles, "they're pretty good. Working with some new people. No one beats you thought." he says poking my rib. I smile and say, "I know." he shakes his head and laughs quietly. He looks down at his food. we eat in comfortable silence, the movie's volume is low, just enough for us to hear it. The rain is pouring harder now. I look up, "Its really pouring out there, I think you should stay." when i look at jamie he's looking at me, "oh, uh, really." he says turning away quickly, " Ya of course, cant have you dying." he laughs, "thanks neens." I smile, "of course, anytime." he's looking at me now, he's staring into my eyes, our hands touch, i look at them. his hands are warm. i turn my hand over to hold his. he smiles down at them, we lean in, our kiss is passionate. There have been moments that have lead up to this. fleating glances, smiles, touches.  It feels so right. As we deepen this kiss, i stradel him, kissing him passionately, he kisses back with the same passion. my hands in his hair, his are running up and down my back before landing on my ass. i don't know how long we were like that, but jamie, as if coming to his senses pulls away, a wild look in his eyes. "Nini we cant, we cant." he says softly, " Im your boss." I kiss his neck, "its ok." he groans, and says, "Nini, your 17 I'm 20, this is illegal, (an favorite crime ref)"he says, his mouth lands on my shoulder, "please." i beg, "Ive wanted this for so long," i feel a smile on my shoulder, " i know, me too." he raises his head from my shoulder, "but we cant, not yet at least," He leans up and kisses me once. "I'm going to need your to get off of me. Please nini." he says reluctantly.  I slowly get off. The rain is pattering down. He is looking outside, "I want you nini, i do. but we cant. im your boss and your 17. We cant, we cant." he looks down now, "is it a red flag if i say age is just a number?" he laughs, "yes." i laugh with him. i pulled his face to mine and kiss it once, "maybe?" i ask hopefully, "Maybe," we hug. I was sad this didn't go further. but i understood.

he stays, i asked him too. I promised nothing would happen. but in the morning my head is on his chest and were cuddled together on the coach like its normal, like its always been like this.

Flashback over.

"maybe?" he smiles, "maybe." this makes everything better. "Really?" i say leaning into him, his arms holding me his hands resting lazily on the small of my back. For the past 2 months I've waited for my birthday. Hoping that his feelings haven't changed, i know mine haven't, "Your still into me?" i ask, he laughs, "YES of course. the amount of times I've wanted to pull you into my lap and kiss you, or when your so engrosed in writing, and you get that scrunch on your nose." i smile wide, "wanna kiss me?" I ask, its only a few more hours till i turn 18. till this is legal and we can be together. He leans down and kisses me my arms wrap around his neck. His lips smile against mine. we are so engrossed in each other that we dont hear a door bang open. We do hear a gasp. We pull away quickly, his hands still on the my back. "WHAT THE HELL."

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