in your arms again

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ricky pov

i wake up slowly, there is a small weight on my chest. i open my eyes and smile. ninis fast asleep on my chest. i move the her hair out of her face, i stroke it gently. we were up until midnight talking and watching movies. she must've been exhausted. i stroke her face then her hair, closing my eyes for a moment pretending that this was real, we were together. she sturs. i keep my eyes closed, pretending I'm asleep. savoring a moment. she sits up and i open my eyes, blinking acting like i wasn't just awake. "goodmorning," i say yawning. "morning," she says, smiling. shes moving the hair away from her face. "hair tie," i say, offering one, "i still keep one on my arm," she smiles and takes it. pulling her hair up into a pony tail. alex starts to cry. she immediately turns to the crib and picks him up. "goodmorning," she coos to alex. I grab the blanket, she shakes her head and points to the bedroom. "you don't mind if i feed him," "of course," she moves away and heads into the bedroom, shutting the door. 

i get up and move to the kitchen making coffee, and pancakes. i the resent month have learned to make various foods. that are easy. I'm trying to do it for college so that i don't have to eat ramen every day. nini comes out after a few minutes. "chocolate chips," I ask. "is that even a question." she says putting alex in his high chair. she walks to the freezer and grabs the toy i put in there yesterday. she turns the high chair away from the table and towards us. "wanna watch mommy and daddy make breakfast little one." he laughs and plays with the toy. she walks to the fridge taking out eggs. then to the cupboard grabbing a pan. breaking the eggs with on hand cleanly. i shake my head, "i don't understand how you do that." she does it again more showoffish. "I'm multi-talented. i might not be able to make a flower arrangement, but eggs, i can do." she says smiling. we are both working at the stove. I smile and watch her from time to time. scrambling the eggs, seasoning them. i make pancake, there fluffy and full of chocolate. i flip the pancakes, "now that i don't know how to do, " she says putting the eggs onto the plate, (an writing that's weird i hate eggs personally. and I'm filipino, we have last nights leftovers and an egg and call it breakfast.) i becon her over, "let me teach you," she moves to me, and i stand behind her. she takes the handle and i put my hands over hers, "ok so I'm going to demonstrate," i flip the pancake hiding her forarms and hands. "ok you try," "i get one lesson," "I'm throwing you into the depend." i say, smiling, she turns to look at me nervous. "okk" she tries, and it lands in the pan. she squeals in delight. "ok, multi talented." my hands are on my waist. and they move to hug her from behind. she relaxes into me. "i wish this was real," i murmer. all through last night all i wanted to do was lean in and kiss her. i didn't though. she reaches back and places on hand on my face. "don't say that." she says sternly. but she turns around, and her eyes look sad. she breaks away, "lets eat." i nod, taking the now burnt pancake off the burner and placing it off to the side. i turn off the burner and walk over to nini with the plates. and setting it down in front of her. shes already poured the coffee. and for breakfast we let ourselves believe this is real. that we are a family. 

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