ice cream

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We get icecream and sit in the car awile. "we should get alex to bed," i say. "mmm" I'm leaning back into his arms. he presses a kiss to the top of my head and says, "alright lets get our boy home." I nod and sit up and buckle my seat belt. he does the same. i turn back in my seat to see alex falling asleep.. "no no no sweet boy, you cant do that quite yet." i coo, i take out my phone, and put bluey on, "here just a few minutes ok my love," i set my phone into the holder that we set up for him to watch shows on. he is instantly more awake. "how many minutes till were home," "10" "alright. you here that buddy you have to stay awake for 10 minutes," i say to alex. he looks over at my and smiles a sleepy smiles like he understands, and goes back to watching bluey.  i turn and look alex is still awake but his eyes are getting droopier and droopier. "oh my poor boy," i say reaching back to tickle him a bit. "were almost home i promise sweetheart." "yea bud were like 3 minutes away, stay in there," ricky encourages.

we get home and alex is awake thank god. we feed him burp him change him and put him to bed. we sit on the couch watching a movie eating icecream. "hey neens," i turn and see jamie and gina standing at the door. i wasn't leaning on ricky or doing anything but i feel like we were caught. "hey guys, want some ice cream," i say holding some out, "no no i just came to drop G off and say night," he walks over to me and bends to kiss me and i turn my face so he gets my cheek, "night," i say he looks surprised and then nods, "night," "I'm staying at jamies if that's ok," i nod, ricky makes no move to hug her or say goodnight all he does is wave goodbye. she looks between us and says bye. 

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