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rickys pov.

I wake up and ginas not next to me, i look around and see the bathroom door open. "G" i ask. "hmm" i hear back. She walks out in a dress i smile and sit up, she walks toward me, i pull her in between my legs, "you look pretty." i say, she smiles. 'thank you babe." i nod and kiss her. "get ready were leaving in 20." she says wriggling out of my grasp. i groan, "okkk." as she walks out the of the bedroom closing the door behind her. "hmm," i get up and put on a light colored pare of jeans and a white shirt. I look in the mirror and shrug. I walk out the door. 

When i walk into the kitchen my breath catches. i see nini in a green dress with flowers that has puffed sleeves and a slit. (an. like the one from cider except in green not yellow.) "morning ricky," nini said, jamie came behind her placing a hand on her waist, the other waves at me. "morning,"i say my voice hoarse, i clear my throat, "morning," i walk toward them gina was sitting at the island on a stool. i walk to her, kissing her temple, but i kept my eyes on nini. Shes met my eyes and smiles. "howd you sleep." i shake my head, "A pretty good." i finally looked down at gina, shes smiling but there's something in her eyes, doubt maybe, its there for a second though. i set my hand on her shoulder, she touhes her hand to mine. i smile down at her. when i look up, jamie is whispering to nini, her eyes go bright, and he lays his forehead on hers. 

flashback to last june.

I lay my forehead on ninis, "hi my love," i say to her, "hi" she says quietly, booping her nose against mine and turning her head back to her journal, i read over her shoulder, "UGHHH" she exclaimed, "I cant do this anymore." she groaned, she was writing a song, a song a day. nini sat at the desk in shorts and a cami, i lean over and kiss her shoulder. Im dressed, ready to go to camp. I straighten, "you sure you don't wanna come?" i ask. she shakes her head, "i cant...i have the music and...i just...i cant ricky." i am confused. we just had sex, and shes having second thoughts. "nini, whats happening." she finally looks up, "i love you Richard Michael Bowen." i smile, "i love you Nina amor salazar roberts." she shakes her and and stands up grabbing my face and standing on her tiptoes to kiss me, "Will we last this time?" she asks, i pull back in surprise, "i hope so. Nini i love you, i let you go once, i don't think i can do it again. Wait why are we talking about this... we just had mindblowing amazing sex, and you want to break up or something." she shakes her head, "how can we break up when we were together.." she steps back, "I love you so much. when we broke up last time it hurt so bad. exspecally because you lied to me. god ricky we love each other so much that we hurt each other in the process...we cant keep doing that." i am shaking my head, "nini, please, i cant do this again, i cant let you go...third time was supposed to be the charm..that's why i came her first. Nini i need you please." she smiles sadly, "i need you too, but i cant hurt like that again..." "nini how do you know that will happen again.." "i don't, but i need you, and i need our friendship. I need your friendship more then your lips." she walks to me putting her hands on my face, "just for a moment we were safe...but we need more than a moment...Maybe another time..maybe we can try again...but not now..." i try to pull away from her, she holds me. "i love you," she says kissing my jaw, " i love you, i love you, i love you...but we...need to stop.." she breaths in a shakey breath, and starts crying, i pull her into my arms, crying with her. when we pull away, i lean my head down onto hers, "i love you." i say not pulling away, "maybe there will be a better time..a better place..i hope in the end..we will end up together matter we date or love, at some point, i believe we will end up together. " "i hope that too..." we kiss. i pull away and grab my bag, "goodbye nina," shes crying, and i want to reach out..."goodbye richard." i walk out, tears streaming downmy face...i w2alk past the mamas, but mama c grabs me and gives me a hug,  so does mama d... "i have to go...check on her please, i cant.." i say walking out the door.


"RICHARD MICHEAL BOWEN!" i hear nini say, "hmm." gina is staring at me, "we've been calling you for a like a minute." nini says, "are you ready." i nod, "sorry sorry." "babe are you alright." gina asks, i nod , "sorry zoned out." she gets up and reaches for my hand, "lets go," jamie grabs the keys off the counter, and nini walks into her room to grab Alex, "Do you wanna ride with us or separate." gina looks at me and i shrug, "well ride with you," gina responds, he nods and starts walking toward the door, "wait umm, so alexs carseat is in my car, it will fit all of us, but it might be a little cramped." we shrug, "that's alright," i say. he nods and smiles as nini walks back into the room. "here" jamie grabbed the diaper bag, she nods her thanks, "riding with us?" i nod. she nods her head toward the door, "lets go. Ready Alex." she spins and says, "weeee" i smile, and jamie laughs. we walk out the door and toward jamies car. 

when we get to the car nini goes to the right side of the car and opens the door, I see a car seat. she quickly buckles him in humming a little song. me and gina get in on the other side, i sit in the middle. Nini is in the passenger seat, and jamie starts the car. "when he gets fussy," she opens the diaper bag, "give him this" she hands me a bear, and a couple of toys. she turned around, and we pull out of the parking spot.  

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