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ricky pov

i wake up slowly. i blink open my eyes, and then smiles. ninis head is resting on my chest. i stroke her arm gently. i love this women, and she loves me. i am hers and she is mine. my nini. she she opens her eyes, and then smiles. "hello" i say. reaching and cupping her face, bringing her lips to mine i kiss her. "mmm, goodmorning," she says. we kiss again and again. we are interrupted by a phone call. i groan, nini laughs slapping my chest. She searches for the sound. its coming from my jeans. "yours," she says, tossing the phone to me before flopping down on the bed. "hello," i say into the phone. nini kisses my neck. I smile. "hi ricky," its my mom. "momm," i say, and nini imedatly stops. pulling the sheet up to cover her chest. I laugh. "Where are you, Carol and dana didn't see you last night or nini. I'm just checking up on you." nini scurries and trys to find her phone. she finds it and her eyes go big. "nini hasn't been answering her phone so i thought id try you. we thought you guys might've stayed the night in a hotel." "ya mom we did. " ninis quickly getting dressed. i shake my head. she stops. i motion for her to get back in bed. "are you two sharing a room" mom says, "mom what," i say. "because there hasn't been a charge on ninis account apparently." i shake my head in disbaliefe. "umm ya we have separate beds. "on your account it says a one bed," "ugh ya mom they gave us a discount on a two bed so it might show up as one. that's what the reseptionest said." i lie. nini who was sitting on  the bed, gets up and starts putting her close. on i shake my head, and she glares. "is she asleep," "nooo," i say handing my phone to nini. shes shaking her head, "no, no no," she mouths then says, "mama lynd." "did my call wake you darling," "yaa, sorry we should've called but, we were so exhausted." nini lies. she glares at me. "how did you sleep nini, ricky snore." she laughs, "i slept well, I've slept over so manytimes that its normal." she says. "ok be safe driving ok," "yes mama l," "call your mothers," "i will i promise." she hands the phone back to me and grabs hers, calling her parents. "mamas I'm so sorry," she says. she humms a few times." she then turns to me and says, "say hi Richard." "hiii" i say. "can i call you later mom," i say. "yea, i love you." "love you too." nini is fully dressed now. i am sitting up. she goes to my side of the bed. "hi" she says. "hi" i say back. kissing her. "mmm" she says, " i missed this. morning kisses." she smiles. my hands hold her face. "i tip my forehead to hers. " lets get breakfast." she suggests." i nod and get out of bed. "alright." i pull on my clothes, and nini watches. "you have sultry eyes." i comment, "keep looking at me, and you'll be my breakfast." she laughs. "maybe i want that." i look up. "i said maybe. but I'm truly hungry." she nods toward the door, "lets go." she holds out a hand, and we walk out. hand in hand. together.

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