squeeze my hand three times

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Im sitting across from ricky, he keeps looking over at me. "so how was your trip here G," "good i got a great handle on driving now," we fall into an uncomfortable silence. "hey babe," jamie calls, he walks up to me kissing me cheek. "hey," i say fake smiling. "have you guys ordered." "uhh no not yet, just drinks, i got you a diet coke," he nods a thanks. Turning his attention to Gina he says, "how was your trip lil sis," she rolls her eyes, "it was fine" we all go silent once again. rickys foot touches mine, i look over, he smiles a comforting smile.  

we order our food and wait, we arent talking much. jamie clears his throat, "so whats up with you guys," he turns to me. "oh nothing much, Ricky wanted to keep stopping at places," i shoot him a look, "that's why we were so late," "as i remember it dennys was your stop," "mhm well i had to pee," we laugh awkwardly. "how was your day j," i ask jamie, "good good, got a few clients in," i nod. 

The food is served to us and we eat in silence. ricky taps the side of my foot three times. i smile softly 


I'm holding hands sitting shotgun next to Ricky. we stole his dad's car again. we're not going far just driving around. Ricky brings my hand to his lips kissing it. He glances my way and i blush. he still gives me butterflies. "i love you," i whisper to him. "i love you too," he kisses my hand again. i squeeze three times, and he smiles and squeezes back. we sit listening to Zeplin as we cruise down streets.  

end of flashback

I tap back. he smiles. I feel giddy, I'm so happy. "why are you so happy," jamie asks. "why cant i be happy. my baby said mama for the first time," jamie turns excitedly too me, "really woww," Alex is sitting in a highchair next to ricky, "say mama," i say to him. "mamaa" alex says. "awww woww," "yaa" "now say dadaa," ricky says, "dada dada," "mama" alex says, "awe come on," ricky says mournfully. "say gigi gigi, say aunti gigi," gina pipes in, "mamaa," "ha," ricky says. "say jj, uncle jj," Jamie coaxes. "mamaa," i burst out laughing. "say dada dada," ricky sings, "mama," alex says again. ricky groans, throwing his head back, and god is that sexy. I clear my throat. "he loves me more then all of you," ricky rolls his eyes. "shut up," he says. 

after we eat we head out and jamie says, "hey babe I'm going to take g out and around for a but, catch up with my little sister." he says wrapping and arm around gina. "oh, ok," he leans and kisses me before leading them to his car. i turn to ricky whos is looking at me all soft eyed and cute. "want to get some ice cream," he asks. i nod. he takes my hand but i pull away shaking my head. "people we cant," i say. he nods and instead wraps an arm around my shoulder, "ok lets go buddy," he says loudly, "yes friend," i say equally as loud. we walk to the car placing alex in the carseat and getting in. when we close the doors he reaches for my hand. he takes it kissing my hand. he starts the car and we start driving toward a handles. We've been to this Handles so many times i think ricky could drive there with his eyes closed. 

I love watching him drive. the way he's more careful when alex and i are in the car. i love to curl up in my seat and watch his eys scanning the road. I love how he takes a hand of the wheel to hold my and or my thigh. I love how he glances over at me, and his cheeks get red and he smiles. i love him. Lorde is playing softly in the background. "i love you," i say. "i love you too angel." he says back taking my hand and kissing it. this is life...but its not..because where still with other people while our hearts beat for one another... i love this man...and i want to be with only him..

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