Chapter 5

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    Tommy said and Clementine laughed slightly, making Tommy smile. He looked at the clock, quickly threw the rest of the cookies into his mouth, and shakily got up. He took a shaky step forward, his legs trembling as he tried to walk. "Be careful!" Clementine whispered loudly and Tommy gave them a thumbs up as he walked towards his closet.

    Clementine sighed, and the closet faintly started glowing purple. The doors opened, and Tommy's outfit floated in front of him. Tommy's eyes widened and he looked at Clementine, who was facing the wall. "Do you require me to assist you in changing your clothes?" They asked and Tommy tried moving his arms.

    The cookies had given him some of his strength back, so he shook his head. Clementine hummed in response and Tommy quickly changed, wincing slightly as he tried to take his shirt off. He somehow managed to get it off and then put his other shirt on. By the time he was done changing. he was exhausted. It hurt when he raised his arms or stretched them. It hurt even more if he bent over, his back felt like it was screaming.

    Tommy collapsed onto his bed, breathing heavily from exhaustion. Clementine sighed and floated over to him. "Hold my handle." They said and Tommy nodded, shakily raising his arm to grasp Clementine's handle. His eyes widened when he saw the purple swirls floating up his arm and the rest of his body.

    "There. Do not let go, or your strength will fade." They said and Tommy looked at them in awe. "I gave you some of my strength," Clementine said, and Tommy could hear the smile in their voice as they answered the question Tommy was about to ask. "Alright! Thanks, Clem!" Tommy whispered with a grin, wrapping his other arm around them in a tight hug. Happiness and warmth faintly radiated off of the mythical axe. "You are welcome." They said, and Tommy grinned as he walked over to his window.

    He opened it with one hand, not letting go of Clementine as the slightly chilly air rushed in, making Tommy sigh with content. Tommy pulled up his mask, and then jumped out, landing on a rooftop below him. He laughed in delight, glanced at his window, and then ran across the rooftop the was on. He jumped again, landing on another rooftop. He did this again and again, feeling relieved as he felt the wind blow past him, and even Clementine laughed.

    Tommy landed on another rooftop and slowed down as he walked towards the edge. He smiled at the moon and stars above and looked around. He could see so much from here, it was perfect. He sighed with content and sat down, his legs dangling over the edge. He closed his eyes and smiled, enjoying the moment the best he could. That was, until he heard a boy scream. His eyes flew open and he looked down for the source of the sound. His eyes narrowed and he spotted a man struggling with a small boy.

"Let me go!"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." BOOK 2! // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now