Chapter 16

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    Tommy blinked slowly as Quackity tried to get over his own shock while Purpled's jaw dropped. "S-Sorry, a what?" Tommy said hoarsely and Quackity looked at him. "Hold on, you don't know what a phoenix is?" Quackity looked at him in shock. Tommy shook his head as Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other in confusion. Quackity groaned, pinching his nosebridge. "Must I be the one to explain everything?!" He questioned and Purpled looked at him with sympathy.

    "A phoenix is a unique bird that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert, after this time burning itself on a funeral pyre and rising from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle." Purpled said. When Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tommy looked at Purpled with blank expressions, Purpled realised they didn't understand anything.

    "You... didn't understand a single word, did you?" Purpled asked, and when they all shook their heads, he sighed. "Okay... Uhm... A phoenix is an extremely rare bird that's immortal. Whenever it dies, it bursts into flames and is reborn from the ashes. Also, their tears magically heal any injuries. Phoenix tears are extremely valuable." Purpled said, looking at them, with an uncertain expression. "Was that easier to understand?" He asked and they all nodded. Tommy just stared at the ground.

    "Wait, so I'm immortal..?" Tommy asked in a hushed voice and Quackity froze. "Y-Yeah, I guess you are..." Quackity mumbled, then smiled slightly as he lightly hit Tommy, nowhere near as hard as he had punched him a while ago. "Don't go putting yourself in dangerous situations just because of this information now." He said with a small smile and Tommy tried smiling. "D-Don't worry, I won't." He said and Ranboo coughed.

    "That's a lie." He muttered in between his coughs and Tubbo stifled a laugh as Quackity looked at them with a tired expression. "Don't encourage him..." Quackity sighed as he turned his attention back to his wings.

    "Well, this certainly clears and complicates a few things." He muttered and Tommy tried to look at him but Quackity forced him to look in front of himself so he wouldn't strain his neck. "How?" Tommy asked with a scratchy voice. "Well, it explains why your wings only came out now." He said, focusing on the finishing touches on Tommy's wings.

    "Phoenixes get their wings when they sacrifice themselves. Or they're born with their wings." He paused. "I guess you trying to save Tubbo was considered a sacrifice." He sighed. "Either way, this is dangerous. Phoenixes are considered near extinct, if anyone finds out you're a phoenix, they won't hesitate to harm you for their own personal gains. Which is why you need to learn how to hide your wings. I'll teach you that bit." Quackity said, his brows furrowed, he clearly wasn't taking this lightly.

    Tommy nodded, taking in this information. "Wait, c-can I fly..?" He asked and Quackity smiled slightly. "Yeah. I'll teach you once you get better and your back heals." He said as Tubbo looked at Tommy's back curiously.

"I wonder if his own tears can heal his back..?"

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." BOOK 2! // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now