Chapter 19

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    Tommy looked around as Tubbo entered. His neck hurt like heck, not to mention his back. Also, his legs. Actually, his whole body felt like it was about to come apart. Purpled was sitting on top of Tommy's bed, but then he got up and sat down behind Tommy, where Quackity was sitting before. He gently wrapped his arms around Tommy's bare waist and rested his chin on Tommy's shoulder.

    "How do you feel?" He asked quietly and Tommy smiled slightly at the warm feeling, then winced at the sudden jolt of pain. "Like shit, but I'll manage. Hopefully." Tommy mumbled, resting his head against Purpled's. Purpled nodded, humming slightly in response. "Alright... Want me to give you a health potion or something later? I think I found a way to stabilise the potion!" He said, his voice getting slightly higher from excitement. Tommy smiled. "Yeah, sure. Thanks, Purpled." He mumbled, closing his eyes as he rested his head against Purpled's.

    Tubbo perked up when he looked at Tommy's eyes closing. "I have an idea!" Tubbo said and Purpled froze, slowly turning his head to look at Tubbo. "You do?" He asked, preparing himself for whatever idea Tubbo may have. Tubbo grinned as he nodded. "Yeah!" He said, then turned around and fell backwards, his head landing in front of Tommy's lap. He grinned up at Tommy.

    "Cuddle pile 2.0!" He said and Ranboo paused, looking at Purpled. "That's... actually not a bad idea." Ranboo said and Purpled laughed. "Yeah, it's surprising. Good job, Tubbo." He said, slightly teasingly as he reached forward to ruffle Tubbo's hair playfully. Tubbo pouted.

    "You guys act like I never have any good ideas..." He said and Tommy snorted. "Cause it's true." He said, making Tubbo shoot up into a sitting position. "Oi, you can't talk! You don't have any good ideas either! Remember that time you were being chased by SBI and your brightest idea was to jump off a ten story building?!" Tubbo fired back and Tommy rolled his eyes.

    "Yeah, but I survived, didn't I?" He said with a slight grin and Tubbo glared at him. "Tommy, are you forgetting who makes the cool shit for you to use during patrols?" He asked, his voice getting dangerously low. Tommy gulped. "No Ma'am- I-I mean Sir-" He said and Tubbo nodded, lying back down with his hands folded on his chest. "Good." He said and Ranboo raised an eyebrow.

    "Damn, Tommy. Calling him Sir already? Didn't know we were at that stage yet." Ranboo said offhandedly, making Purpled's eyes widened as he choked. Tommy raised an eyebrow at Ranboo. "What, are you jealous? Want me to call you Sir too?" He teased without missing a beat. Tubbo laughed. "You can call me Sir too if you want, Boo. I don't mind." Tubbo teased, winking at Ranboo.

    And just like that, Ranboo.exe stopped working. His face immediately flushed and he looked away, but even though his dark glasses and mask covered his face, his blush was visible when it creeped through the gaps between his mask and glasses. Tommy and Tubbo burst into laughter, both of them high-fiving each other.

    "Mission accomlished." Tubbo said tears pricked his eyes from how hard he was laughing. Purpled watched all of this with an expression that was a mixture of shock, confusion, and amusement. "R-Ranboo, are you okay?" He asked, laughing slightly. Tommy laughed, then yelped and tilted his torso forward as pain racked his body from laughing too hard. Purpled looked at him in alarm. "Are you alright?!" He said and Tommy grit his teeth as he closed his eyes.

    "M-Mhm. Just laughed too hard-" He managed to get out. Purpled frowned and looked at Tubbo and Ranboo, who mirrored his expression. Purpled sighed and leaned back against the wall, spreading his legs out to Tommy's sides. He grabbed Tommy's waist again, then pulled him back into his chest, resting his head on Tommy's.

    "Sleep." He said. The way Purpled said it, it sounded like an order, so the three of them nodded. Tubbo looked at Tommy's legs, as if he was wondering if he should lie down on them or not. Then he shook his head and went to Tommy's left side, leaning against him and wrapping his arm around him. Ranboo smiled slightly at the sight and did the same. Tubbo's hand slowly crept over to Ranboo's and he blushed slightly, but gently held his hand.

A while later, all of them were sound asleep.

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." BOOK 2! // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now