Chapter 27

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    I sighed and tapped my pen against my desk. These people were idiots. I paused. Well, maybe not. I did have a soft spot for my workers, after all. They had pledged their loyalty to me, even if it was only out of fear. That was remarkable and I was surprisingly grateful. I smiled slightly, leaning back in my chair.

    Then my door burst open. I grit my teeth and my grip tightened on my pen in annoyance. I take that back. "Sir!" Someone yelled, a voice that I recognized to belong to one of my more loyal workers. I sighed, opening my eyes and glaring at him. "Connor, has no one taught you how to knock?" I grumbled.

    Connor was... a double agent, if you could call him that. He worked at the Hero HQ and had such a basic job no one would suspect him of being a spy. At the end of the day, he would always come back and report everything that had happened that day. It helped me stay a step ahead, and I was grateful. Connor knew it too, which is why he thinks he can just barge into my office without consequence.

    I looked at Connor, finally taking in his expression. He was breathing heavily, his face somewhat flushed as he grinned. "Turn on the TV! The highlight of the festival is about to happen!" He said with glee. I sighed. Connor could be a bit childish sometimes, but I was used to it. Plus, the festival... I had forgotten it was today.

    I grabbed the remote to the TV in my office and turned it on, switching to the Hero channel. Not that it mattered, since every news channel had cameras on the festival, but the Hero channel had the best quality. Apparently I was just in time for the announcement because I heard Phantom's unmistakable voice ring out. "Good afternoon, Dream SMP!" He said, the joy evident on his face. I glanced at Connor, who had taken to sitting on the edge of my desk and had his eyes glued to the screen. I rolled my eyes at him, turning my attention back to the TV.

    Some time had passed since I had last seen Phantom. He definitely had grown; I could see slight stubble on his face. I felt my face warm slightly as I looked longer at him, and I immediately turned my face away, trying to push that feeling away. I mean, yes, I've thought about how one day he might come back and we could somehow put our past behind us. And yes, I also know there's barely any way for someone to forgive you after you stab them about a hundred times and send them into a coma, but hey, a man can dream, can't he? Bloody hell, I would go and ask for his forgiveness myself if I could, but going outside in the open as one of the most "notorious supervillains of all time" isn't really a good idea.

    I sighed, turning my attention back to the TV, twirling my pen around in my hand. "As you know, our great country has suffered many attacks from villains, and L'Manburg was hit the hardest out of every city. Mainly because L'Manburg is home to the Hero Headquarters." Phantom's voice rang out from the TV. I paused slightly. Everyone, me included, knew damn well that I caused at least 75% of the devastation. Strangely enough, however, I didn't feel any remorse.

    Phantom spoke again. "And to add to the good news, I have something very important to say!" He said and I could tell the crowd fell silent. "Each and every one of you displayed immense love and hope for our country, but there was someone who displayed the same emotions tenfold." Phantom said and Connor grinned, turning to me. "Hey, Sir, remember the execution plans I told you about?" He said and I nodded, glancing at him.

    "The one with fireworks? Yes, I do." I replied. Connor's grin widened. "It's today!" He said and I dropped my pen and immediately grabbed the remote, turning the volume up. "Why didn't you tell me before?!" I demanded but he just laughed. My full attention was now on the TV. "And I would like to call that person up to the stage!" Phantom exclaimed and the crowd cheered.

    "Would Tubbo Underscore please come up to the stage?" Phantom called. I froze, my heart dropping. My head spun around to look at Connor. "They're doing it now?" I asked and Connor nodded. "Mhm." He replied, his eyes glued to the TV again. "Alright, Tubbo, if you would stand over there, please?" Phantom asked, pointing to a spot to his left side on the stage.

    A brunette boy with a wide smile on his face nodded happily and walked to the spot he was directed to. I spotted Blade standing behind Phantom and pulling a lever, trapping the boy in a cage. I heard the crowd gasp and the boy's expression twisted into one of fear and confusion. "This boy," Phantom yelled, pointing at Tubbo. "Is Schlatt's sidekick." I shot up out of my chair and stared at the TV in a slowly growing sense of rage.

    "What the hell?!" I demanded, turning to Connor. Connor froze, looking at me. "Shit. Sir, I had no idea they were planning to execute him-" He started, but I shushed him, staring at the TV. I watched as Phantom pulled a honey bomb out and threw it onto the stage. I sucked in a breath, my eyes widening as I realised where this was going. Phantom droned on about how Tubbo was "committing treason and acts of evil", his words only serving to make my blood boil. "He can't be serious-" Connor muttered.

    "We execute them." Phantom said, motioning to Blade, who stepped forward with a crossbow. I heard some people start to yell, but Blade loaded his crossbow. "Fire!" Phantom yelled and Blade pulled the trigger. My grip on the remote tightened as I resisted the urge to throw it at the TV. Then a blur of red and white jumped in front of the firework and chaos ensued. I froze, holding my breath and waiting for the colourful sparks to clear.

    There was a limp body in between Blade and the cage, and a small sense of... something terrible settled in me when I realised who it was. Tommy, Tubbo's friend. People started running everywhere and I turned off the TV, my jaw clenched. Connor immediately turned to me.

    "Shit, Sir, I had no idea, I'm so sorry-" He stammered and I held up a hand to tell him to shut the hell up. "It's not your fault." I spat, my words coming out harsher than I intended them to. I grit my teeth and threw the remote at the wall, leaving a sizeable dent. Connor looked at me with worry clear in his eyes as I fumed with rage. How dare he? How bloody dare he? Any feelings of regret and remorse I felt moments earlier had instantly evaporated. I grit my teeth as I glared at the now-turned-off TV.

"Count your goddamn days, Wilbur Soot."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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