Chapter 23

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    I winced and tried to play along, looking into Fundy's eyes. "Fundy, if you say me, I'll get you anything you want." I said with a small smile, trying to ignore the aching feeling in my chest. His once bright, shining, and eager orange eyes were now dull and lifeless. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at his eyes any longer. Wilbur groaned.

    "Techno, you can't bribe Fundy." Wilbur scolded, but there was a small smile on his face. I smirked slightly and Wilbur rolled his eyes. "He thinks his hair is the best." He said and I choked. I tried to pass it off as laughter and I think Wilbur bought it because he rolled his eyes again, but a faint smile played on his lips. I smiled slightly and quickly scooped Fundy's corpse up, then stood up. Wilbur smiled at me as he looked at Fundy.

    "Well, we have the morning to ourselves. What do you wanna do?" He asked, booping Fundy's nose affectionately. Fundy's head rested against my shoulder limply and I tried my best not to think about it too much. I closed my eyes and focused on thinking of something that would keep Wilbur busy for a long time so he wouldn't bump into Dad again. "Maybe we could play pretend..?" I suggested and Wilbur paused.

    "That's not a bad idea." He mused as I shifted Fundy's weight uncomfortably. Wilbur looked at Fundy with a smile. "What do you think, hm?" He asked. After a moment of silence, Wilbur smiled and ruffled Fundy's hair. "Alright then. Should we go to his room?" He asked, turning his gaze to me again. I shrugged. "It's the best option," I said, looking around the kitchen. Wilbur nodded, then motioned towards the door with a grin.

"Well, lead the way!"


    I hummed slightly as Techno led the way to Fundy's room. He opened the door and I looked around. Techno froze and I sighed. "When I said boys will be boys, I didn't mean they would be so dirty they would trash their whole room," I muttered under my breath, looking at all the mess on the floor. I glanced at Techno and smiled sheepishly.

    "Guess we should clean first, huh?" I asked and he nodded, looking around, still carrying Fundy. Fundy looked at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry, Papa..." He mumbled and I sighed. "It's fine, Fundy. Just- Try to keep your room clean, okay?" I said gently, leaning over to ruffle his hair. He giggled and I smiled.

     "You still have to clean, you know. Just because you're cute doesn't mean you get a pass." I scolded and he giggled again. "I know, Papa." He said, beaming up at me with adorable eyes. I smiled. "Good," I said, then walked forward, closing the window. I looked at the bed and groaned when I saw how messy it was.

    I picked the bedsheets off of the floor and looked at them with a small frown. "How on earth did you manage to rip your bedsheets..?" I muttered and took it off the bed. I stripped the sheets off the bed and piled them into a corner. I paused, then looked at Techno. "Hey Tech, do you have any extra sheets in your room?" I asked and Techno paused, then nodded. "Yeah. Want me to go get them?" He asked and I nodded. "Yeah, thanks," I said and watched as he nodded.

    He gently put Fundy down and then left, his long hair swishing behind him as he walked. Fundy looked around and then walked over to me. He looked up at me and I looked down at him. "Cleaning is boring." He said flatly and I sighed and knelt down so we were at eye level.

    "Okay, how about this?" I started, thinking of an idea. "You're a hero in training, and Techno and I are your mentors. We're going to go fight crime, but first, we have to clean the town to make sure no civilian gets hurt. Does that sound good?" I asked, gently tucking some loose hair behind his ear. He grinned. "Yeah!" He said, then paused, looking down. "What's my superhero name?" He asked and I shrugged. "Anything you want," I said. He nodded slowly.

    "What about... Foxy!" He said and I stifled a laugh. "F-Foxy?" I asked and he nodded with a grin. "Yeah! I'm the coolest superhero ever, and I have a cool fox cape. Ooh, and I have fox powers!" He gushed and I raised an eyebrow. "Fox powers..?" I asked and he nodded, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

    "Like uhh... Fox Fountain!" He said, making a big whooshing motion with his arms. "Shoots foxes everywhere!" He said with an adorable grin. "And Fox Fist!" He said, punching the air. "Punches with foxes!" He elaborated. I watched him continue to gush about his imaginary powers with a small smile. God, I wish it could stay like this forever. Just me, Fundy, and Techno. And Mum, of course. I heard the door open and turned around to see Techno carrying a pile of bedsheets. I smiled and stood up, ruffling Fundy's hair.

"Well, time to get to work, Foxy."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." BOOK 2! // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now