Chapter 15

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    Everyone stared blankly at Tubbo, who looked at them in return. "I mean, it makes sense! His wings were burning, right? What happens to chickens in KFC? They get fried! Which obviously burns. Plus, it explains why he can jump from tall buildings and only be slightly bruised. I mean, if I tried that I'd end up snapping my neck." Tubbo said, speaking like it was obvious.

    Tommy blinked slowly and Ranboo, Purpled, and Quackity just stared at Tubbo. Quackity sighed. "Duckling, how much sleep did you get?" Quackity asked, closing his eyes. Tubbo frowned. "What, you don't believe me?" Tubbo asked and Ranboo sighed. "Tubbo, what's the probability of a Kentucky Fried Chicken being an actual bird species..?" Ranboo asked, looking at Tubbo with tired eyes. Tubbo shrugged.

    "Didn't someone say that everything is possible? Oh! Maybe he's a chicken and he's destined to be deep fried! Which is why he felt burning!" Tubbo said eagerly and Tommy looked at Tubbo. "T-Tubbo-" He stammered, and Purpled looked at Tommy, then at Tubbo.

    "Tubbo, that's not exactly a good thing-" Purpled said and Tubbo's eyes widened slightly. "Oh, right!" He said, then looked down and fidgeted with his hands. "Uh, forget I said anything." He said, his face turning red from embarrassment. Ranboo smiled slightly under his mask and gently held Tubbo's hand, making Tubbo smile at him. Quackity sighed.

    "It's fine. You need sleep, duckling. After I finish up, go get some rest, 'kay?" He asked and Tubbo nodded, looking down. "Okay..." He mumbled. Quackity smiled slightly, then went back to focusing on the brightly coloured wings. He looked at them closely, gently running his fingers through the wings. He frowned slightly, then looked in the bag he brought. He rummaged through the contents for a while before he pulled out a penknife.

    He looked at the penknife with a furrowed brow, making Purpled look at him nervously. "Quackity..?" Purpled asked, looking at the penknife as Quackity flicked it open, then looked at Purpled. "Yeah?" He asked as Ranboo and Tubbo looked over at the sharp blade. "What are you doing..?" Purpled asked and Quackity looked at him, then at the blade.

    "I'm not too sure yet." Quackity muttered under his breath as he rolled up the sleeve of his navy blue jumper, making Ranboo's eyes widen. "Big Q-" He was about to start, but Quackity silenced him.

    "Respectfully, Ranboo, shut up. I need to think." He muttered, clearly deep in thought as he held the penknife securely in his right hand. Then he bit his cheek, raised the penknife, and swiftly sliced through his left arm. Purpled yelped in surprise as Tubbo gasped. "H-Holy shit, are you alright?!" Tubbo stammered, his eyes fixated on the bleeding cut. "Why would you do that?!" Ranboo said in shock as Tommy looked at everyone in confusion.

    "What are you guys talking ab-" He got cut off as the air got knocked out of his lungs, which was a result of Quackity swiftly punching his sensitive back in between his wings. Tommy yelped as he winced, tears pricking his eyes as he clenched his fists, pain racking his entire body. "What was that for?!" He asked, a tear of pain rolling down his face as his chest heaved.

    Quackity quickly held his bleeding arm under his chin, watching closely as Tommy's tears of pain fell onto the cut. Everyone watched with bated breath as the tear made contact with the bleeding cut. A second later, Quackity's skin began to merge together again, slowly mending the bleeding gash on his arm and stopping the blood flow. Ranboo gasped as Purpled stood up in shock.

    "Wait, what the heck?!" Purpled stammered, watching with wide eyes as the cut slowly healed. When the cut was reduced to a faint scar, Quackity withdrew his arm and rolled his sleeve down, his eyebrows furrowed. "Well, I guess I was right." Quackity said, making Tubbo look at him in concern. "Right about what, Big Q..?" Tubbo asked, almost too afraid to ask. Quackity sighed.

"You're a phoenix, Tommy."

"If you don't stop, I'm gonna start stabbing sh!t." BOOK 2! // A DSMP FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now