President Y/n!

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Jack: Alright everyone since that was all over and our Residental Saiyans got some new OP Forms, I want to show A Good Universe! Y/n as President!

Y/n: Wow, Imagine me as President...

Jack: Well You are A Great President. You Fixed the Economy, and the National Debt, and Pushed Medical advancements, and Space Programs A Few decades ahead, and now America is colonizing Mars, and A Cure for Cancer is in the world.

Y/n: W-Wow...

Nami: Wow, Our Boyfriend is amazing!

Robin: Ara ara, Indeed. He makes for A Great Leader. Well... As long as his Brains don't splatter on A Car.


Robin: It's Only A Joke. I Kid.

Jack: Well Let's see right now! Hit the Roll!

Oracle then Began shooting up footage and it was just Y/n Strutting around the Oval Office in A Fancy 3 piece suit with A Huge Grin on his Face with Music Playing in the background.

Just then there was A Knock on the door, and Suddenly his Wife walked in, and she was also the First Lady.

Y/n: Oh Hello My Lovely Wife.

Just then It was revealed to be Makima!

Makima: Hello Mr President~ Strutting around the Office Again~

Y/n: Yep!

Makima: (Chuckles) Sometimes I wonder why someone as Silly as you got elected President.

Y/n: Maybe because I can say all 50 States in A Quarter of A Second. AH!

Makima: Honey that was Just A Yelp.

Y/n: To the Naked ear yes, but to An Advanced Ear it's all 50 States of the Union.

Makima then Began to Pick up A Sprite from the Mini fridge as she smiled.

A/n: Sprite is Better than Starry by the way! No Contest! Hands down!

Makima: (Thoughts) Well I Guess he doesn't have to Know. Besides I already have enough Power anyway, and Besides... He made me into A Better Person.

During his Presidential Election Y/n was winning in A Landslide but it was because Makima was Using her Control Devil powers to make Deals and Contracts that heavily favored Y/n and Herself so he would win.

She knew that with him as President he would make the world A Far Better place, Just as she wanted in the first place, And if he can't do it all in 4 years... He can always get elected another 4.

Makima: Honey, What are you doing?

Y/n: Sssh! I'm going to call up Union Academy.

Makima: Why?

Y/n: Gonna tell 'em' A Joke. Wait, wait, Hol' Up!

Ozpin: (On Phone) Yes?

Y/n: Hey Is your refrigerator running?

Ozpin: (On Phone) I Suppose so. Why?

Y/n: (Muffled Chuckles) Then it Must be running like you! Very Homosexually!


Y/n: It's Mr. President to you, Bitch!!

You then Hung up the Phone and Called another Number.

Makima: What are you doing now?

Y/n: I'm going to call up Amazon and Order the school 5,000 Of those Dancing Cactus Solar Powered Toys and have them sent to the school! Like the Kind you would find in A Mall!

Makima: (Smiles) Heh, You're Such A kid but I Love you so Much.

Jack: So What did everyone think?

Natsu: Dude, He is A Genius!!

Happy: AYE!

Luffy: YEAH!

Asuna: Dumbasses!

Superman: Well I Suppose he is A Far Better President than Luthor.

Flash: Amen to that Supes! Nearly got shot!

Ravel: Of course, Our Boyfriend would be A Great president.

Makima: (Thoughts/ Blushing) S-So... I can be happy with him... He's so Sweet... Heh... Maybe that's that feeling I had been searching for... Love...

Jack: Alright everyone Let's Move on! I am cooking up some Good Ideas!

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