-chaper 2!

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They did their dunk ritual before the game starts even tho aliyah wasn't paying much attention . her eyes were on the one curly head. she could see he had a fun personality and she liked that.

the starting five went on the court and she saw the curly head walk over to the bench and she started to become nervous. she had her airpods in so she couldn't really hear anyone. the buzzer went off indicating that the game was starting she tried to pay attention until she noticed the boy scooting closer to her. her breath hitched when he got next to her.

"do you play basketball to?" the boy asked her you could obviously tell the girl was nervous but he didn't pay much mind to it because he didn't want her to feel embarrassed and he genuinely wanted to get to know her.

she took an airpod out so she wouldn't come off as rude "no, i play volleyball." she said with a soft tone. she tried her best to calm herself down so she could act normal.

"what's your name" aliyah had asked him because in her head right now his name was "curly headed boy" and she wanted to at least try and talk to him.

"nelson" he told her with a smile on his face. they had stopped talking for a little bit to watch the game but nelson took the chance to admire the girls face.

she had light brown curly hair and he liked that her face wasn't caked with makeup. she had lipgloss and that was it. he could see the she had very deep dimples when ever she talks. nelson thought she was one of the prettiest girls he had ever seen.

"what song are you listening to?" he asked to start a conversation back up. she showed the screen to nelson to show she was listening to snooze by sza. the two began to talk about how much they love sza. and this didn't go unnoticed by cam.

when cam looked over to see nelson and aliyah talking about how much they love sza he was taken by suprise that aliyah even let him say one word to her. aliyah was never the type to just talk to random people. she was picky with who she talked to hence the fact she only talks to one person everyday and that person being her best friend.

so when cam saw them talking he couldn't help but smile to his little sister happy.

the 2nd half went by and they were up by 15

cam started talking about the plays for the next half and how he wants them to win at least by 20. 5 minutes into the second half the crowd started chanting "we want nelson"

aliyah looked over at nelson and said "i think they want you on the court" she tried to hide the smile that was threatening to come out.

nelson just laughed "i think they do to" he exclaimed . cam let him in and she watched as he ran up and down the court.

they were on defense until a tall dreadhead had blocked his checks shot and started taking it down the court. nelson went to the corner wide open waiting for a pass that he did get. he shot a 3 and it went in and the crowd was yelling "boomm"

he was really good to say the least. she was really impressed. the game ended with a score of 88 to 62 and RWE taking the win.

they all left the gym all about to go to the hotel until nelson had walked up to her. "hey do you mind if i get your number?" you could tell he was a little bit nervous but aliyah thought it was sweet.

they both exchanged number and went their separate ways hoping to see each other soon.

when aliyah got to the hotel she made sure cam didn't forget her zaxbys because she knows she didn't . "cam doordash me my zaxbys im gonna send you my order." her lips formed a line on her face. cam didn't think she was serious at first and tried to laugh it off until she looked at him and realized she was not joking.

"ok send me your order" he let out a sigh knowing that he got out done by a 14 year old.

aliyah was waiting for her food to come until she got a text from an unknown number

nelson🙃: nelson
aliyah🎧: aliyah

hey this is nelson are you the girl from the game?

i am:)

cool! am i gonna see u at the game again tomorrow?

u might if you get lucky

hopefully i do

aliyah didn't know why she even did that, because she knew she was gonna go. it was the only time she could see him so why wouldn't she?

she never really clicked with people so she was happy she clicked with nelson. it just felt natural to her when she was talking to nelson. she didn't have to force a conversation or laugh and that's what she loved about it.

she knew they were both gonna get really close really soon.


so i think this book is coming along how do we like it😝

also we're js gonna say cam and aliyah live in htx and giannis is gonna be in like the rest of the tournament just cs i think he funny and this would all make my life SO much easier

we can all agree we need WAY more ginnias appreciation and i will be the one to do it🔥

short chapter but who cares

i also made this on the toilet cs my periods a bitch if you even care. probably gonna go write the next chapter to bye mwauh💋

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