-chapter 4!

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it was the day for game 2 and they were already in the gym. aliyah had road the bus with everyone on the way to the gym and talked to nelson and lavar the whole time about what they wanna do when they get home.

they had got in to the gym and aliyah went over to the bench while the team warmed up for the game

"Nelson!" "come here, what's the like goal baby " he was looking into the camera he had an excited look on his face ready for the game today.

"uhh maybe 40k" nelson rubbed his hands together because he thought he came up with a pretty decent like goal. but then changed it to 45k

before the game had started they did they're dunk ritual and did the count down before the buzzer went off to indicate the game is starting.

"skeeyee on three skeeyee on me 123 skeeyee!"

the starting five walked on the court and nelson walked over to the bench and sat next to aliyah.

"you live near here?" nelson was hoping she did he wanted to spend more time with her outside of the rwe games and tryouts .

"i live in houston with cam." she was still nervous every time she talked to nelson. she always got this feeling when she was around him but she never really knew what it was so she always ignored it.

"we should hang out after this tournament." he noticed a smile on her face and she nodded which made nelson smile as well.

the game was pretty heated but RWE was playing good on both defense and offense. 5 minutes before the half time cam put in nelson. they were on defense and nelson's check was pretty shifty.

"lock that up nelson" cam had told nelson before he took the ball out of his checks hand. he went down the court and passed the ball to lavar then nelson went on the wing lavar passed it back and nelson shot a three and it went in. everybody on the bench did the ice in my veins celly.

the game ended with the score being 102 to 89 RWE taking the win. the crowd started running in where all the players were making it hard to leave. cam had walked over to aliyah to make sure she didn't get lost.

after the game they all got on the bus to go to the hotel. aliyah decided to take a shower and watch tiktok for the rest of the night. when she got on tiktok she saw nelson was live with cam and giannis so she requested to join and nelson accepted it.

"hey aliyah" nelson had told her with a smile on his face happy to see his friend in the live.

"who added this weirdo in the live im tired of her already." giannis let out a laugh knowing that all he wanted to do was piss off aliyah and it did work.

"nobody cares. like actually shut ur ass up " she always thought it was funny going back and forth with giannis. it was never real it was just how their friendship was.

"aliyah just joined the live giannis chill out" cam said joining the conversation because he didn't want the two arguing right now.

"guys i think im gonna go back to JL3. it's just better for me over there." nelson was pranking cam just because he thought it would be funny. he walked over to his RWE jersey and showed the live him stomping on it.

"nelson your not playing at all in new york your gonna be benched!" he was yelling because cam just loved to be dramatic and giannis was yelling because he just wanted to add to the chaos.

nelson was reading the comments and saw people asking who aliyah was "who's the girl , oh it's aliyah cams sister "

they decided to get off live and go to bed because they had to drive beck to houston tomorrow.


if you can't tell i suck at writing stuff bout the games but i promise im gonna get better everyone😔

i actually hate this chapter so bad

working on more chapters as we speak #trust

also i love giannis and aliyah's friendship

so yea ill update later bye pooks💋

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