- chapter 11!

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RWE didn't have a game today because the teams playing today determine who RWE plays tomorrow. the balance of the house was off lately.

aliyah and nelson were still on bad terms which threw everybody off. it was so awkward whenever they would be in the same room everybody could feel the tension between them and it was awful. everybody thought they would've made up by now

so it was a shock to all of them to see them not speak to each other. they would look at each other with out the other knowing but everybody else saw it. they knew that they missed being around each other. after all they both had feelings for each other. but the two kids were very stubborn.

aliyah would never apologize to somone first if she didn't do anything she thought it was a waste of time. why would she say sorry for something that she didn't do or cause. she didn't wanna seem desperate.

nelson on the other hand most of the time nelson never said sorry unless he really meant it. but it was hard for him to not want to apologize to aliyah even if he didn't know what he did. he just didn't know when to because when he said sorry he also wanted to tell aliyah he liked her.

nelson was in his room until giannis and cam busted into his room. giannis had told cam what happened because aliyah didn't feel like explaining it again so they decided to confront nelson.

"the fuck are you guys doing?" nelson asked them confused why they didn't knock.

"we know why aliyah's mad at you." giannis told him walking over to him showing him the picture. nelson looked at them confused. why would aliyah be mad about that.

"why is she mad about that?" nelson asked then looking up at them confused. cam gave him a stank face before explaining it to him.

"because your ass was kissing another girl? like nelson what's going on man." cam told him with a attitude because he was acting stupid.

"what that's not even me what the are yall even on." the dude in the picture was wearing a soccer t shirt. nelson didn't own anything like that he didn't know anything about that sport. "are yall slow?" nelson asked them with an attitude.

"also his hair barely even looks like mine." now nelson was more upset that aliyah was mad at him over a fake photo. it was stupid he didn't even know what to say to her.

he was mad that instead of telling him about it she just got mad and started ignoring him. he wanted her to be able to talk to him about stuff like that. so yeah he didn't want to talk to her and he felt like he had a right to not want to.

"well are you gonna tell her that?" cam asked him to see if they were finally gonna make up.

"she dosent even want to talk to me anymore probably." nelson told them he started getting upset thinking about the fact that aliyah could possibly already be taking a liking to somebody that isn't him.

"look nelson aliyah might be shy but she's stubborn so if your expecting her to come up to you you're never gonna talk to her again. so i suggest you put your pride aside and apologize yourself." cam told him this was the most serious cam has ever been. he was tired of seeing them both complaining when they could just both talk about it.

aliyah was on instagram and she decided she wanted to post something for fun on her main account.



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aliyah.wilder salute in the damn comments 🫡

jjshmunny sit ya ass down
aliyah.wilder please stfu🙏

camwilder you should totally buy me a cake
aliyah.wilder i will if it's ice cream cake and we share
camwilder dealll

malachibarton 😍😍
aliyah.wilder 🙃🫶🏼
user nelson's crying right now

user anybody else notice how nelson didn't comment..


youcantgaurdme its never good when you have to pull out this song

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youcantgaurdme its never good when you have to pull out this song

babygiannis somebody help this child
youcantgaurdme please

justhoop you want some of our ice cream cake lil dude
justhoop oops.

user nelson and aliyah are definitely on bad terms right now.

malachibarton requested to message you

hey aliyah:)

oh hi!

i have school in like 2 days so im gonna try and update like 2 more times today or one more and try and update atleast 2 times tomorrow and prewrite some stuff just so i don't get behind lol😭

lmao yall see what i did there

also ik malachi isn't a bad person it's js for the plot i love him irl

we're also almost at 400 reads wthh

make sure to vote comment and follow mwauh💋

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