-chapter 21!

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trigger warning!! mentions of suicide so if that triggers you i highly suggest you don't read this chapter <3

it wasn't always just cam and aliyah. she used to live with her parents and she used to have a happy life with them. until it all crumbled down into peices.


it wasn't always bad. when aliyah was five years old and she was in cams room watching pj masks with him. she had just got back from school and nothing had really happened until cam had went downstairs and their mom looked a mess. aliyah had followed cam like any kid would and also saw the sight of her mom. she was confused because her mom sat the both of them down and told the both of them news that ruined aliyah's whole childhood.

"listen kids.. i was at the hospital because i just found your dad had committed suicide last night which is why i wasn't home." she told them with her voice cracking barley being able to get a full sentence. cam had also started bursting out crying and it made aliyah even more confused. she had never seen her brother cry so seeing all this made her cry.

soon after cam simplified what had happened to her dad. aliyah was devastated i mean how is a 5 year old supposed to react? she had talked to her dad the day before his death so why would he do that to himself?

her dads death forced aliyah to mature faster then she should've or wanted to. with the death her mom coped with it in all of the wrong ways. she started drinking and doing drugs which made aliyah and cam scared of their mom.

one night she came home drunk and high and aliyah was on the couch watching mickey mouse. when she saw her mom she tensed up knowing she was eating on the couch which he mom hated. aliyah's eyes widened as her mom slapped her right across her face.

"what have i told you about eating on my coach!" she said slapping her again leaving a deep scratch on her face. the little girl started crying and trying to get her mom off of her.

"mommy stop!" she said harshly crying while kicking her legs to get her mom off of her. after a couple more minutes her mom got off of her and she got up and ran to cams room. her mom had told her she was weak for crying and running to tell cam which is why it was always hard for aliyah to open up.

a couple years later cam was eighteen and working to get money to take care of aliyah . their mom was barely home to take care of them so cam took care of the both of them. aliyah had got older and she started being able to take care of herself.

one night her mom had came home yelling at them and telling them to leave her house. she said she started talking to a new man who didn't want kids so she made them leave. she started crying where were they gonna go? she went up to her room and shortly after cam followed her.

she told them it was gonna be ok and that he would buy them a hotel until he can find an apartment to move into.

a year later they were moved into an apartment and aliyah was in other school. hell they were in a whole other state . they had moved to houston texas and in her new school aliyah was to scared to talk so she didn't make any friends. and that was ok with aliyah. she was fine with being by herself.


aliyah thought about having her parents back a lot. you know like where she would be if her dad didn't die. how she would still be at her old house just the 4 of them. today would have been her dads birthday if he didn't die. it was always one of the hardest days for cam and aliyah besides the anniversary of his death. she couldn't help but just cry.

she felt weak and useless on this day. she always thought about what she could've done to make him want to stay. she always thought it was her fault. her mom would always tell her that he committed suicide because she was such a pain in the ass. she would whine about everything and cry. which wasn't true aliyah was a well behaved kid and she would always be polite but even if she did whine why did it matter? after all she was still a kid.

aliyah missed her dad more then anything. her and her dad had always watched pj masks before she went to bed. when the little girl couldn't go to bed he would stay with her until she did. he stayed up all night with her when she had nightmares. so when her dad died her whole world crumbled.

on his birthdays she would watch pjmasks . it would remind her of him she would cry but it was also her comfort show. it brought her peace even though it hurt knowing she didn't have her dad anymore.


hey kid. i know this is hard day for you and it is for me to. if you need to talk or just wanna come in my room or anything i'm here for you. dad would be very proud of you right now your doing amazing.

i love you so much cam im just gonna stay in my room for the day thank u tho. dad would be proud of you to. he would be amazed by how far you've came.

aliyah just sat in her room and cried and cried until she was about to throw up. she went to cams room to see his puffy red eyes and she just laid next him and they both talked about their dad and cried together which is some way brought the both comfort. even though they were hurting they were hurting together.
after a couple hours they had both fell asleep.


cried making this i actually can not.

thought i'd give u a background for aliyah's life cs i didn't before. i hope yall liked it for some reason sad chapters are comforting to write.

make sure to vote comment and follow mwuahh💋.

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