-chapter 17

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they had all just gotten back from new york and nelson had decided he wanted to ask out aliyah today. he had been contemplating and overthinking this decision for awhile. ever since they started talking again he had been planning everything. he knew he wanted it to be special because aliyah meant a lot to him. so he decided to text cam to ask if he could help him get everything ready.

nelson🦶🖤: nelson
cam😐🩶: cam



nelson 🦶🖤
can you  come with me to get the stuff to ask out your sister🙏

absolutely not💯


i'm coming to get ya ass rn

a couple minutes later he could he hear a knock at his door and he smiled knowing that it was cam. cam had told marie to keep aliyah busy so she dosent question anything.

nelson made sure everything he got was pink because that was aliyah's favorite color. he needed everything to be perfect. he pre ordered a cake and flowers that they were gonna get on the way back from the mall. but right now they were focusing on getting aliyah a gift basket.

"let's go inside the bath and body works first." nelson told cam as they walked in. they smelled a lot of different perfumes and ran into a bunch of fans. he found one that smelt good and decided to buy it. he knew exactly what store to go into next.

when they walked out the bath and body works nelson saw someone in a south park inflatable costume. nelson started dying of laughter. he could barely breathe he was holding his stomach making sure he didn't drop anything. cam looked at him crazy because he hadn't saw it yet.

"look at that shit." nelson got out in fits of laughter pointing at the person in the costume. when cam had saw it he was in the same position as nelson. they were both laughing for a good five minutes before getting up.

"yo what even is this mall bro." nelson blurted out before walking into the five below knowing aliyah loved this store. when nelson and aliyah came in here she had to force herself not to spend all her money so he decided to get everything he knew she wanted to buy from here.

he picked up a lot of candy two new blankets and a huge teddy bear. nelson knew aliyah had an obsession with stuffed animals. she would collect them and keep the ones that she couldn't keep on her bed in the corner of her room.

he had bought everything that he wanted to buy but on the way out they had passed pandora and they just decided they would look at some stuff. after five minutes in the store nelson swore he wasn't gonna buy anything in here even though he wanted to get aliyah something. but he had walked passed a bracelet that stuck out to him. it was a hello kitty bracelet and it definitely reminded him of aliyah and he couldn't help himself from buying the bracelet.

"nelson your ass is gonna go broke." cam told him as they walked out the mall on the way to go pick up the cake and flowers he bought.

HEART TO HEART- NELSON NUEMANNWhere stories live. Discover now