-chapter 28!

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it had been a two months since aliyah had got shot and life has only been going up from there. The court found out her mom and her step dad had planned on killing her to get revenge on the girl for ruining her mom's life. she didn't know how she ruined her life but now she didn't have to worry about it because they were both in jail and madison's with a relative in California.

it was now time for aliyah to start going back to school. she started in a week and today cam was gonna take her to the outlets with nelson, lavar, and giannis. they were all already at her house waiting on aliyah who was now coming downstairs.

"finally took you long enough." lavar said to her because they had been waiting for her for about ten minutes now which wasn't even that long.

"shut your bitch ass up." she said raising her middle finger at him. they walked to the car and aliyah nelson and giannis sat in the back while lavar and cam were in the front.

with all that happened during the summer it was definitely safe to say aliyah was not the same person anymore. she definitely grew out of being shy and now she wasn't scared to talk or be around people anymore.

she had people who truly meant something to her. not only that but aliyah meant something to them. aliyah had never had friends that were loyal to her so meeting them was one of the best thing that had happened to her.

not only that she had the most amazing boyfriend. nelson was aliyah's first everything her first boyfriend, her first kiss, she went out on her first date with him and she loved that. she was endlessly grateful for him.

she also learned some valuable lessons over the summer. when her and kylee stopped being friends, and finding out her own mom wanted her dead. aliyah was a different person then she was a couple months ago. and she was forever grateful that she decided to go to the first RWE game because if she didn't she wouldn't get to be where she is right now.

after a pretty short car ride they walked into the first store they saw which was an aeropostale. "i love this store guyss." she said with a smile on her face.

nelson walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulder as everyone else followed behind her. she was picking out matching sets that she thought were cute.

she went up to the front and cam payed for it even though aliyah was going to. as aliyah walked from store to store everyone made sure that she wasn't far because her getting shot made them all a little paranoid wether they wanted to admit it or not.

deep down aliyah was nervous something would happen to her again but she didn't want to live in a state of fear. she never wanted to waste having fun because she was scared something would happen to her. she lived by the fact that she only lived once so she would always tell people to live their life until they can't anymore.

they had all went to the food court when aliyah was finished and everyone else got new clothes and shoes. they were eating american deli until aliyah got a text message.

liyah: aliyah

aliyah can you let that go so we can be friends again?

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