- chapter 12!

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social media

aliyah was texting malachi on instagram until he asked to have her number

malachi🤯: malachi
liyah🫢: aliyah

heyy this is aliyah right?

yea! how are you?

i'm good you live in htx right?

yea but im in new york right now for cams RWE tournament

oh we should totally hang out when you get back

i'll see if i have anything going on:)

to be honest the only thing aliyah wanted to do when she got home was talk to her best friend. she hadn't been able to in a long time because of the tournaments so she might have to tell him she can't.

aliyah didn't know why she was talking to malachi she barely knew who he was. yeah he seemed like a good person but it felt wrong talking to him when she wasn't even over nelson.

aliyah was to busy thinking about everything going on she forgot she ordered a ice cream cake for her and cam to share. she went downstairs to go pick it up from the front door. she picked up the cake and closed the door and saw nelson by the fridge. she let out a sigh knowing she missed talking to him.

she missed laughing with him and messing with giannis and lavar together. it felt weird when she want to talk to lavar by herself. she missed being able to hang out with lavar and giannis with nelson. she missed playing fortnite with nelson. she missed calling him when she couldn't fall asleep. she missed walking over to his room during tournaments. she missed it all. she felt like she lost her other half. her and nelson got close really fast. so it hurt not talking to him.

little did she know nelson felt the same way. every time he walked passed her room he so badly wanted to go in there and say sorry but he couldn't. he was nervous to he didn't think aliyah wanted to talk
to him anymore. he saw malachi's comment and thought she had already moved on.

aliyah so badly wanted to go up to him and tell him she missed talking to him and put it behind her but she thought that nelson didn't want to talk to her. after all she saw that picture of nelson kissing that other girl. the pair hadn't talked in about 3 days and it was the worst 3 days of both of their lives.

she brushed it off walking up the stairs before nelson saw her looking at him. but aliyah didn't know not only did lavar see it so did marie. everybody in the house hated seeing them ignoring each other because they all knew how much they missed each other. but they decided to let them figure it out on their own pace.

aliyah walked in to cams room with the ice cream cake and two forks. "i got the cake" she told him with a smile on her face. cam laughed at the fact that she actually bought a cake. she went over and sat on the bed and turned moana on the tv. aliyah looked around the room and saw a big mirror that she didn't even know was in his room.

"cam let's take pictures in the mirror." she told him getting up. cam followed her and took the phone from her hand. aliyah looked at him with a stank face after he did that.

HEART TO HEART- NELSON NUEMANNWhere stories live. Discover now