-chapter 26!

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it was 12 in the morning and aliyah and nelson had just got into and argument over madison. madison had texted nelson's phone calling him hot and aliyah was upset that he didn't block her.

nelson thought the whole thing was stupid because he didn't want madison he wanted aliyah. so he got offended when she got mad over that.

it kept aliyah up thinking about the situation. she knew nelson didn't cheat or anything like that but it was the principal of the matter. madison would have tried everything to get them to stop being together so her having his number mad it even worse.

she decided to go outside and walk around. so she walked out the door with her airpods in blasting music in her ear. it probably wasn't the safest idea for aliyah to walk alone at night as a girl but what's the worst that could even happen.

she couldn't stop thinking about the fact she was probably in the wrong for arguing with nelson. he wasn't a bad boyfriend but she was scared something would happen.

it's not that she didn't trust nelson but she didn't trust madison. she knew she would probably make up some weird lie to get with him. it wouldn't surprise her because she was honestly just like her mom.

she was walking for about 15 minutes until she realized how far she had gotten. she looked around and couldn't recognize any of her surroundings so she texted giannis to come get her from where she was. she didn't want to text anyone else because she knew they were sleep and the only one that would be up right now was giannis snd romelo.


giannis can you come get me
i decided to walk around and now idk where im at

bro u can't do dumb shit like that
me and melo r otw stay where ur at

aliyah was sat on some bench humming to 20 something by sza trying to stay calm. if she was being honest she was scared. she was scared someone would come get her or something. i mean she was a girl at night in atlanta she had everything to be afraid of.

she was on tiktok before she heard someone walking towards her making her look up. it was a random older man who had on all black. "what is a pretty girl like you doing alone?" he asked her sitting down next to her. she tried to shift away from him but he kept his hand around her shoulders.

"aw why are you ducking me." he said lifting his hands to her face making aliyah cringe. she moved his hand looking to see if anybody was around but just to her luck it was just them.

"let me get your number ma." he said looking at her licking his lips. aliyah just wanted to to disappear from the face of earth. he kept moving his hands up aliyah's thighs making aliyah flinch.

"nigga get off me bro." she said standing up to get him off of her. when she stood up she could see rage in his face and his hands gripping on something.

aliyah had quickly put two and two together and realized he had a gun that he was now pulling out. before aliyah could react the man shot her twice in her stomach making her fall to the ground.

"fuck." she said groaning out in pain. she put her hands on the wound trying to stop it from bleeding.

she could see his figure running away when he saw a car pulling up. the car was giannis and romelo who had just saw what happened.

"what the hell." romelo said hurrying out of the car to go pick up aliyah's body. giannis had got out to open the door to the back seat. they got back in the car and romelo took his shirt off to put it on the wound.

aliyah was still barely conscious of whatever was going on around her. she could see romelo calling the group chat hoping someone would pick up the phone. he looked down to see aliyah struggling to keep her eyes open.

"shit try to keep your eyes open." he told her doing his best to keep her awake. because if she passed out no one knows when she would wake back up.

they arrived at the hospital rushing her inside the hospital. "my friend just got shot." giannis yelled out making nurses grab her and put her body on a sling taking her to a room. the doctors told them they could wait in the front or leave and come back they decided to stay there.

"bruh what the fuck who shot aliyah?" giannis said shaking his legs up and down. he was furious that someone had the audacity to do that to a kid. i mean what could even be the motive behind shooting a innocent kid?

"nigga i don't know." they said they were both shocked and scared for aliyah. they didn't know what to do. i mean nobody would answer them or pick up the phone. to be fair they had never experienced anything like this.

they doctors told them her injuries weren't fatal and she would be ok. they told them tomorrow she could probably be discharged. but the shooting would cause major trauma for the girl.

they told them that nothing was affected by the gun shots and she got lucky because if they shot any closer up it could've cause major damage.

RWE 🔛🔝

can yall please wake up
we're at the hospital aliyah just got shot

nigga what
i'm on the way

giannis still couldn't stop thinking about who would've shot aliyah. i mean it just didn't make sense he started to question if anybody just had it out for her. or if it was some random pedophile. either way it still made him mad.

liyah speaks🗣️

hey yall 😜 i don't really know much abt writing down like shootings and stuff but i tried

yall thought shit was sweettt😂

no fr who do yall think shot aliyah?

i hope yall liked this chapter make sure to vote comment and follow mwauhhh💋

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