-chapter 27

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aliyah was in the hospital bed and she was going to get discharged tonight. cam had called the police to report what happened. aliyah had felt like she knew who shot her it was like she was connected to them in some way.  she was sure she never seen them before so it really messed with her head.

since cam was in the room with aliyah he noticed the look she had on her face. "what's wrong?" he asked her looking away from his phone.

"nothing, it's just i feel like i know that guy." she said putting her hand on her head due to confusion. the situation was very confusing for her because she felt connected to them in some weird way.

"who the guy that shot you?" he said trying to do his best to stay calm so he wouldn't freak aliyah out.  aliyah nodded her head still thinking about who it could've been.

"it's like i'm just connected to him in some way. but i've never actually seen him." the situation gave her deja vu because she had a dream like this. in fact it was exactly how it happened.

they guy that shot her was in her dream but she didn't know who he was and why she saw him in her dream. she tried to think on why they would be connected but it all led her nowhere.

"i just feel like i know him." she said trying to remember his face. he definitely looked like someone she knew like he had a doppelganger or something.

until it had all clicked. they looked like madison just in a different body. same nose, same eyes, same hair type. but it wasn't madison herself, or her mom.

it was her step-dad madison's real dad. it all made sense. her mom never liked aliyah so she would send madison as a distraction to get her mad which led to her being alone so they could finally get rid of her.

she knew her mom didn't like her but she didn't know she wanted to kill her? i mean really aliyah thought it was pathetic that she didn't have to guts to do it on her own so she had her step dad do it.

"madison's dad." aliyah told cam looking at him trying to motion him to go tell somebody that is one of the suspects.

cam got up and left to go tell somebody what aliyah had told them and as soon as cam left giannis walked in.

"hey hoe. you get discharged tonightt!" he said walking in with food in his hand. he bought her zaxbys because aliyah didn't like the hospital food.

"thanks dudee." she said smiling opening the box of food.

"how you feelin?" he said looking down at his phone.

"nigga i got shot." she said in a playful tone. they both laughed until giannis got a message from cam. cam had told them the police were gonna start an investigation.

liyah speaks🗣️

how i feel after not updating for 4 days😇

im sorry but hellaaa shit went down this week nd i didn't have the energy to post anything on here😭

this chapter is actual dog shit.

also don't mind if there's any typos i didn't proofread

make sure to vote comment and follow mwuahh💋

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