-chapter 18!

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social media

aliyah was at nelson's house and they were both in the living room scrolling through tiktok before aliyah started getting bored.

"nelson do you wanna make something?" she asked him putting her phone down.

"like what." he asked her looking at her and admiring her features. nelson had never seen someone more beautiful then aliyah. in his eyes she was the prettiest girl in the world and no one could change his mind.

"let's make those pan things where it's like smores but they put cookie dough on top." she said with a smile on her face.

if it was anyone else he would've told them to go do it on their own but it was aliyah. and if it made her happy it made him happy to so he got up with aliyah.

nelson decided to go live while aliyah got everything to make it.

cam.wilder what yall lil kids doing.

"so coach cam were in the kitchen making shit." he said showing the live all the ingredients they had out. when aliyah saw the camera she waved at it.

jjshmunny yall asses fat

"giannis shut your bitch ass up." she said while walking over to the oven to preheat it. lavar nelson cam aliyah and giannis all lived pretty close to each other. everybody was a five minute walk distance which made making videos and hanging out much easier.

aliyah and nelson started putting everything in a pan. the pan was in a heart shape and they decided to put small marshmallows on top that had their initials together.

"nelson im gonna try and throw a marshmallow in your mouth ok?" she said putting marshmallows in her hand. nelson laughed at the girl knowing it would take her forever.

"guys screen record this then send it to me on my instagram." she told the live before trying to throw it in his mouth and missing. and kept missing it five more times.

cam.wilder aliyah your ASS
jjshmunny yeah me and nelson the better duo

"wait im sorry my heart." she said laughing at herself from missing so many times. hearing aliyah's laugh also made nelson laugh. aliyah's laugh was something he could listen to all day which is why he always wanted to make her laugh.

"let's play music." nelson told aliyah as he put on the playlist that they had made together. it was a bunch of songs that they liked and that reminded them of each other. when he connected the music to the speaker he smiled as it started playing congratulations by mac miller. it was one of his favorite songs because it was perfect just like how he saw aliyah. which is why it remind him of her. he started smiling as she was singing the lyrics.

"the sun don't when i'm alone i lose my mind and i lose control." she began singing the whole song and nelson took the chance to adore the girl. he thought aliyah was the most perfect person ever. she had a soft voice that nelson could listen to for forever. she had a smile that always made nelson's heart happy. being in aliyah's presence always lifted his mood. aliyah was nelson's light in his life. and he never wanted to lose her again.

"why are you looking at me like that." aliyah asked him nervously because nelson made her nervous. even if she didn't want to admit it but her face told a whole other story. being around nelson made her nervous. she could never hold eye contact which is why nelson always looked at her because he thought it was cute when she would look away.

"because you're really pretty." he told her making aliyah blush.

cam.wilder boy what the hell boy

nelson laughed when he remembered they were still on live. "shit bye live." he said ending it quickly when he heard the oven start beeping showing the food was ready.

nelson pulled it out and he sat it on the counter. aliyah took a picture before they started eating it. they knew they weren't gonna finish it together to they let noah and nile's have some to.


youcantgaurdme this shit was so gooddd

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youcantgaurdme this shit was so gooddd

user this live made me feel so single
youcantgaurdme good

ilovezaxbys were some damn chefs
youcantgaurdme rightttt

justhoop no invite goes crazy
youcantgaurdme idc lace up

babygiannis i bet it was nasty to
ilovezaxbys someone salty bc they don't have anyone to make it with😬

so i MEANT to update yesterday but i got a little carried away and binged one day at a time😇

this chapter was low k ass..

but i'm gonna update again today but i hope
you like it make sure to follow vote and comment mwuahh💋

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