-chapter 29!

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it had been a couple months since school had started up for aliyah and if she was being honest she liked school now. aliyah's life had done a full 360 during the summer and her perspective on life had now changed forever.

now she felt as if school was now fun. she had real friends she went out to the football and basketball games with her friend group.

she also still maintained having good grades. she's made honer roll for the second time this semester and she's at the top of all of her classes. not only that but she's getting ready for her softball season to start.

aliyah had got ranked in her state for being the best pitcher. she had also reached 1 million on tiktok.

she still had an amazing relationship with nelson. they're 7 month anniversary was coming up and she couldn't be happier. she also still had good friendships with lavar and giannis.

life was treating aliyah fairly well and she now realized how big of m impact RWE had for her. she is forever grateful that she went to that game because if she didn't she would still be that same girl with no friends.

it was the weekend and she was with giannis lavar nelson and cam celebrating hitting 1 million on tiktok. she was also with two of her other friends maria and amirah that she met at school.

they had suprised her with a cake and gifts. " congratulations my love." nelson said giving aliyah a hug. cam decided to use this as a video ode for his youtube channel.

"good job liyah!" everyone had yelled out to her lighting the candles for aliyah's cake.

"thank you everybody." she said with a bright smile on her face. her eyes lit up looking at everyone around her. she took in her surroundings before blowing out the candles. they took the candles out of the cake and gave everyone a peice. before aliyah could eat her cake giannis pushed her face into it.

"get the fuck out of my house." aliyah told him getting a paper towel to wipe of the icing.

they all took pictures and laughed together before going over to the couch to watch a movie. "we're gonna watch norbit in this bitch." cam said putting the movie on.

they were all watching the movie but aliyah could feel nelson's eyes on her face. "what's wrong?" she said looking up at him.

"nothing your just really pretty." he said making the girls cheeks turn pink. "you know i love you."

aliyah face grew into a more of a shocked but nervous feeling. "i love you to." she said with a soft smile on her face. nelson placed a kiss on her forehead before looking back up to the screen.



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