-chapter 16!

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it was night before the championship game for RWE. it was currently 3am and aliyah was up playing cup pong with nelson because he couldn't fall asleep. he told her he was nervous about the game and he couldn't fall asleep. she told him he could come to her room but he said he didn't want to bother her or wake up anyone. she told him he wasn't going to bother her but he insisted to staying in his room.

after a few more round of cup pong nelson still couldn't let himself for asleep. he tried putting his phone down and just closing his eyes but it didn't work. so he texted aliyah to let her know he was coming to her room.

he had got to aliyah's room and hopped in her bed. he had put his arms around aliyah's waist before they just started talking about random stuff. eventually both nelson and aliyah fell asleep next to eachother. nelson didn't know what it was about being around aliyah but it made him feel safe. all his problems went away when he was around aliyah.

aliyah had just woken up to see nelson not in the bed anymore. she didn't really question it she just got on her phone and she saw a message from him saying he woke up early and decided to start getting ready.

the girl was thinking about what to do with her hair for the day. aliyah hated doing her hair. it's not that she didn't like how it looked or anything. aliyah thought her hair was very pretty and it was long. but the one thing she didn't like was styling it. it took her a long time and it made her arms hurt.

she decided to get up earlier then when she normally would because she decided to wear her hair down. she didn't have to do much because she had her wash day not that long ago.

she put on a black nike tech with her black tasman uggs. she walked downstairs and saw nelson and giannis by the counters waiting for everyone else to come downstairs. she was a little surprised to see giannis also up early with nelson. both of them didn't have to be ready for another hour and a half.

"hey guys." aliyah told them sitting next to nelson with a smile on her face. she was more then happy knowing that her and nelson both finally admitted to liking each other. the only reason they weren't together now is because nelson wants to wait for the perfect time. and aliyah was fine with waiting as long as she had nelson.

"why are you up so early giannis?" aliyah asked him. she felt like she already knew the answer his eyes were droopy and he looked tense.

"i could barely sleep last night. i was just up. like thinking about the game because i don't wanna do bad." giannis told her keeping his head on his hands. he was clearly tired but he said he would be able to still play.

nelson also agreed with giannis about why he couldn't sleep. they all had a lot of pressure due to them both not liking to under preform because who would?

the group always could rely and trust aliyah with information like this. aliyah was like their comfort person. she helped them a lot through their nerves and that's one of the reasons why they loved aliyah.

"you guys aren't gonna do bad. yall are good players nerves are just temporary and their not real their in your head. stop letting it affect you." she told the two boys while getting out strawberries from the fridge.

they had all talked for the past hour and a half and giannis and nelson weren't as tired anymore and cam and the rest of the team had came downstairs.

"damn yall was up this early?" cam asked the three sitting at the counter.

they just all nodded their heads.

"yall boys ready for the game today." cam asked them bringing a smile to their faces.

"yep." nelson told him while getting up to go see ray who was recording on his camera.

"fuck going everybody so today is the championship game and we're probably gonna win by like 100 you know what i'm saying." he said rubbing his hands together. aliyah and giannis walked over to the camera and jump scared nelson before talking to the camera.

"what the fuck is up guys here's the outfit of the day we got the black nike tech from goat and the tasman uggs from the mall." she told them backing up so they could see the whole outfit.

the team went outside to the bus and the bus stopped at a gas station so they could get stuff they needed for the game and just snacks in general. before they went inside they stood by the door waiting for everybody to get off the bus.

"yo nelson get over here we need a like goal." cam told nelson as him and aliyah walked over to the camera. it wasn't a shocker to anybody that ever since they started talking again they were both always together. wherever aliyah was nelson was there to.

"id say a solid 90k." nelson told them and cam nodded. giannis had walked over to them and pushed aliyah out of the frame but aliyah just didn't have the energy to push him back.

"nothing but rebounds points i ain't passing the ball." giannis said laughing at the camera.

aliyah went inside the gas station and walked through the chips aisle and saw cam scott and she walked over to him.

"hey man." aliyah told him smiling still looking for what chips she wanted. cam and aliyah had a pretty close bond due to playing fortnite together a lot.

"hey liyah." cam told her dragging out the y. cam thought aliyah was a pretty chill person which is why he liked her as friend. he thought she was also nice and cool to hang around with.

they left the gas station and they arrived at the gym. aliyah walked with nelson into the gym and nelson had his arm around her waist to make sure she didn't get to far or nothing like that. when they started to warm up aliyah walked over to the bench and put her airpods in.

the did their dunk ritual and walked over the bench before the buzzer went off so cam could go over the plan for the game. when the starting five went over to the court nelson sat down next to aliyah putting his head on her shoulder.

they sat together without saying anything because they were focused on the game. the game was pretty heated but RWE was playing good. they were running down the court and cam had passed the ball to giannis who dunked it on someone's head making everybody do the head top celebration.

after about the first half RWE was up 40-33. cam wanted them to be up by more and he told them to make sure they get back on defense faster. he put his five back in except for trading one of them out for nelson after the crowd shouted "we want nelson."

they were in defense until nelson took the ball from his check and took it down the court he passed it to giannis before he went to the wing. giannis passed it back and nelson shot it and it went in. cam held up a three and told the camera "gimmie three of them bitches."

the game had ended and the score was 89-50 and RWE won. they were all tired after the game so when they got on the bus nelson fell right asleep before the bus could even leave the gym. nelson's head was on aliyah's shoulder and she took a picture of it before also falling asleep.

this chapter was a bunch of nothing.

also theirs this new boy at my school and he's like the prettiest boy i've ever seen and he's so nice like he's just my type. but the school bops alr got to him so i lost all hope

im gonna take a nap so make sure to vote comment and follow mwuahhh💋.

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