-chapter 10!

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it was the next day and aliyah had spent the whole night crying. she was devastated from what she saw she couldn't even put it into words. she woke up with a heavy heart and she hadn't had one in a while.

as much as she was sad she couldn't blame it on nelson. yeah she really liked nelson but they weren't even dating. she didn't even tell nelson she liked him. so the only person she could be mad at was herself.

she couldn't bring herself to go to the game today and face nelson. she didn't even go out to eat with team last night. she was heartbroken from something she could've prevented. she felt stupid for crying over a boy who didn't even like her. it was pathetic.

she was in her room she could hear everybody walking around and people asking where she was.

nelson🫤: nelson

yo aliyah wya?
my heart?
bru why aren't you replying
ok then be like that.


yo kid wya?

i'm not coming today

you ok?
you need marie to stay with u or anything?

no it's fine i'll tell u what happened later have a good game

nelson was confused as to why aliyah left him on read but replied to giannis and told him to have a good game. this made nelson mad because they were close and didn't do anything that he knew of to make aliyah mad. so he was just in a bad mood and everyone could tell.

"yo nelson what are you mad about this early in the morning for?" cam asked him trying to make sure he was ok.

"nothing" he wasn't gonna tell anyone because him and aliyah weren't dating. yeah he might've liked aliyah but he kept it hidden pretty well for this exact reason. just in case she were to not talk to him anymore.

the whole bus ride to the gym nelson had his headphones on trying to keep him from thinking about aliyah and why she didn't want to talk to him.

in the end he decided to try and let it go. as much as he didn't want to he had to. why would he be stuck on aliyah if she was the one who didn't want to talk him? especially since he didn't do anything from how he saw it.

the whole situation just made him mad, sad, and confused. he had never felt like this over a girl. if it was anybody else he would've shook it off but he couldn't. it was aliyah we're talking about right now. it was practically eating him alive he couldn't focus on anything.

they arrived at the gym and he walked on to the court. he didn't feel like talking to anybody. not cam not giannis not lavar nobody. everybody was worried about nelson because it was never like him to be quiet especially during game days.

HEART TO HEART- NELSON NUEMANNWhere stories live. Discover now