-chapter 23

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it was the next day and they had all hung out and went home. except for nelson who decided he wanted to stay with aliyah. when they got back from the mall aliyah had showed cam the messages and he just told her it was probably someone trolling.

so now the pair were making tiktok and joking around. they were trying to make a dancing tiktok until they heard arguing that had been going on for almost 10 minutes now. she thought it was marie and cam so she tried to let it be but she knew marie's voice and that wasn't it.

"i'm sorry ill be back." aliyah told nelson grabbing her phone. she let out a sigh having a feeling she knew who it was but just in denial.

"it's ok baby." nelson told grabbing her by her wrist and embracing her in a hug. he knew something was off but he wasn't gonna bug her about it. a soft smile came to her face before walking down the stairs.

she still heard loud yelling and when she looked around and the sight she saw made her heart sink to her ass.

"oh baby come here." monica told her trying to give her a hug but aliyah pushed her off.

"get off me nigga and don't call me that." aliyah told her with a shocked expression on her face. she was still stunned her mom actually found them. how'd she even find them they moved far just to prevent this from even happening.

"don't talk to your mom that way!" she said making an attempt to scare aliyah but it didn't work. she scoffed at her and rolled her eyes. she walked over to where cam was standing and asked why she was here.

"my daughters moving in here." monica had told them with a smirk on her face. see monica knew she couldn't have aliyah back so she sent an extension of herself to aliyah. her plan was to make aliyah miserable and aliyah knew this.

"bro what" aliyah asked her with a puzzled look on her face. she's been ignoring both of her kids for years why come talk to them just to bring your other kids over here.

"well i can't take you back which i should be able to do because cams not a fit parent." she said looking at him with rage in her eyes.

"i mean honestly he's teaching you to be fast with all these boys in your comments. he took you when i needed you!" she said and this made aliyah's blood boil. she always tried to play the victim when she was wrong and she hated it.

"can you stop? cams been nothing but an amazing person to me which is something you can't do! you made me and cam leave when we had no where to go and you needed me?" she said raising her voice at the women. tears threatened to fall out of her eyes but she couldn't let them.

"cam needed you to! he was also a kid when dad died but he had to step and take accountability over me which you clearly can't do." she said with a attitude because honestly who did she think she was?

"what else could you want from me aliyah my husband died? i mean how selfish could you be." she said scoffing at aliyah. those words made aliyah want to crawl in a hole and disappear. she couldn't help but cry and her lack of awareness.

" i want you to care and take accountability for what you did! you left me and cam when we needed you and we had to grow up and figure stuff out on our own. monica we were kids!" she said tears falling down her cheeks and her voice get high pitched. she genuinely just couldn't take how insensitive she was.

"you never cared about dad when you cheated on him so why do you now!" monica's face dropped at the sentence she said. aliyah knew she was cheating on her dad when she saw her sneaking in guys when her dad wasn't home . but what was she gonna do? who was gonna believe a kid.

"i mean really i was young not stupid so just say it you never cared. your not the victim here we are. we waited 9 years for you to apologize! and here you are playing the victim and i bet your ass is still on drugs." she said breaking down. she couldn't stand just being in her moms presence.

"look at you your still an ungrateful sensitive brat! your the reason your dad died it should've been you!" her mom stepped closer to her raising her hand up trying hit her before cam pushed her away.

"get out of my apartment all your doing is messing everything up!" cam told her making her storm out of the apartment. aliyah walked back up to her room to see nelson on her bed. he told her to come here and he wrapped his arms around the girl.

"whats wrong my love?" he asked her with a soft voice looking at her in her eyes. this only made her cry even worse. she was a mess and she didn't know what to do. she couldn't get any words out she just wanted to cry so she did and nelson let her. he kept the girl in his arms just in case she wanted to start talking.

"my mom " she told him her voice cracking still crying and thinking about what just happened over and over.

"she told me her daughters moving in for a month. she didn't even tell me sorry." she said her words muffled because her head was in the crook of nelson's neck.

nelson didn't say anything because he didn't know what to say. he did his best to reassure the girl that he would be with her no matter what happens. they lied next to eachother for the rest of the night in silence and aliyah deeply appreciated it.

liyah speaks 🗣️

hey yallll😛 guess who passed all their tests todayyy

anyways i have a 3 hour training tomorrow im gonna jump off a cliff

bro my sister wanted to go to the rec to i had to walk in to RAIN. and my shoes got messed up😪

did yall see isas apology🌚🌚

but i hope yall liked this chapter make sure to vote comment and followww mwuahhh💋💋

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