-chapter 14!

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malachi🤯: malachi
aliyah🤥: aliyah

why were you hanging out with nelson

what are you talking about?

stop acting stupid
i saw you with him at the arcade on his instagram post

everybody went and u should've seen it if you saw his post
stop leaving information out  and being mad when the picture was bigger then that

whatever why would you even go if he went if u like me
that's weird

because i wanted to go.
you can't control what i do and what i don't do

then stop texting my phone lmao

ok  idrc lol.

aliyah told one lie in that whole conversation. she did care. aliyah overly cares about situations and she never really knew how to react to stuff like that. she didn't know how to control her emotions and how she felt. she was still young and trying to figure that stuff out.

but when situations like that happened she got angry and she didn't know what to do about it. she would try and play music or watch her comfort tv shows but it never really helped her. and when someone did something around her like  even talk to her she would take her anger out on them.

she never meant it and when she calmed down she would apologize. aliyah hated how she would do stuff like that. it honestly made her feel like a bad person. she was still trying to learn how to control it. she never knew why she was like that. she didn't grow up with angry people. she just thought she picked up on it after people bullied her for so long.

the only people in the house who knew about it were cam and nelson. they would always try their best to make sure she didn't feel bad about but sometimes it didn't work. when she did blow up on people she had to go somewhere alone and try her best to regroup herself.

she put her airpods in and started to play one of her favorite playlist that helped calm her down. it had sza jhene aiko xxxtentancion and a lot more. something about their music helped calm her down because she could relate to it in a way.

when she walked downstairs she went to the fridge and pulled out some cut up pineapple and put it in a bowl. she was gonna walk back upstairs until cam had asked her to do something. "fuck wrong with you twin leave me alone. don't want to talk to you." she told him she didn't mean it she didn't even mean to say it. you could see it all over her face she regretted it. cam knew by the face she was making she didn't mean it. he let it go and let her carry on with what she was doing.

that's why aliyah loved cam a lot. he understood when she wanted to be left alone when she needed someone to talk to or if she's just having a bad day. cam understood her in a way nobody else did and she was grateful for that. which is why it made her feel even worse.

she knew that cam didn't take it to heart but she still couldn't help but feel bad. she hated when she did that to people. she didn't know what to do. she tried her best not to say anything but she couldn't really control it. she decided to go out on the roof. the roof had a little bit of a flat surface by her window so she decided to sit there to try and calm herself down.

she had a blanket her airpods and obviously her pineapple. she looked at the sun setting and she just started crying. lately her emotions have been really high. she didn't know if it had something to do with her and nelson being on bad terms or if there was genuinely something wrong with her. she decided to text cam and apologize for taking her anger out on him.

cam🤓💓: cam
lili🖕🤍: aliyah

i'm sorry for blowing up on you like that. i didn't mean it and i promise  im working on it.

ik it's ok kid i get it.

no honestly i shouldn't have did that. u didn't do anything so i didn't have a right to  say anything like that to u.

no it's fine fr.
i ordered you some food u want me to bring it to u?

yea that's fine i'm on the roof tho lol.

cam 🤓💓

cam brought up the food like he said he would and went out the window onto the roof. he saw aliyah gave her the food and asked if she was ok. "i mean now i am." she told him looking at the sunset.

"you wanna tell me what happened or do you just wanna sit here?" he asked her he was willing to do whatever his little sister wanted to if it made her happy.

"malachi got mad at me for going to the arcade with you guys because nelson was there. he told me to stop texting his phone so i did." she told him tears falling down her face . she still hadn't looked away from the site in front of her.

"i don't know why it got me mad like that it really shouldn't have. i guess i just care to much about little things like that. i'm working on it though. i promise." she took a bite of her french fries before looking at cam. she didn't know what to say after that so she continued eating and they sat in silence until cam broke it.

"it's ok to be mad about stuff i get you're working on it. just don't be to hard on yourself you're still young. so i don't blame you for not knowing what to do. but don't let it make you think you're bad person aliyah because your not." cam told her. cam was always the best at giving advice that's why she talked to him about everything.

aliyah nodded she was really grateful to have cam. they sat in silence for about ten more minutes before they both went inside and started to get ready for bed because RWE had a game tomorrow.


this chapter was literally me venting about how i need to fix my anger problems 💀 (it actually not funny but it is what it is lmao)

anyways yall need to go look at cams story bc the old videos he was posting were actually hilarious 😭

also thank u for 800 reads🥹💞

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