-chapter 19!

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aliyah was in her room room scrolling on instagram. nelson was at training, cam was editing a video and marie was out with her friends. so she was bored in her bed. she had music playing in the background while she scrolled through instagram reels.

aliyah had got a pretty decent following from making an appearance in more of cams videos. if aliyah was being honest she definitely enjoyed it even though she never posted that often.

she snapped out of her thoughts when she got a message from instagram. she didn't have a good history with getting messages through instagram so it did make her a little bit nervous.

she opened the messages and it was that sinking feeling of disappointment. she was sad but more accepting of it because she saw it coming. it was a screenshot of kylee talking shit about her.

she was saying how she was gonna leave aliyah when she got a certain amount of followers and saying a lot of other rude stuff about aliyah. it hurt her feelings to see someone she was close with say stuff like this about her.

aliyah wasn't all that shocked tho. she knew kylee had a tendency of using people to get what she wants. for for some reason aliyah thought she would be the exception. like she would change her ways just for aliyah. it was stupid when she really thought about it.

so aliyah did what she always did when she was upset. she went over to go talk to giannis. aliyah was someone people could rely on when they were sad having a bad day or just need someone to listen to them. but when aliyah needed that from someone she went to giannis.

yeah she had nelson cam and marie but it wasn't the same. aliyah knew the two depended on each other. it just made sense in their head.

aliyah had walked over to giannis's house. she wasn't going unannounced she texted him that she was coming and she also texted cam letting him know she would be going over their which he didn't have a problem with.

she had finally arrived at his house. she walked over to his room and knocked on his door. his room was decorated with his jerseys on the back wall with led lights and a big tv. aliyah expected nothing less.

"come here aliyah." giannis told her patting beside where he was sitting. giannis couldn't help but feel bad for aliyah. people always felt the need to ruin stuff for her. in reality aliyah dosent deserve that. it always blew his mind when  people would be rude to her because she was the purest soul ever. and giannis couldn't stand to see her upset.

"what happened?" he asked with a soft voice trying to make sure it didn't come out as rude or anything.

"kylee she was talking about me and using me for followers. in the message it also talked about how she got with malachi after we stopped talking. and it just hurts even worse because that was supposed to be my best friend." aliyah told giannis with tears in her eyes. she couldn't help herself from just balling her eyes out.

"aliyah some people aren't meant for forever." he said he didn't know necessarily how to break it down to her.

"i get that. i just wish i never met her because it wasn't worth just being happy for a little while then being sad all over again." she told giannis with tears streaming down her face.

"you shouldn't wish that because even if she hurt you she served a valuable lesson. she was a place holder she was here to teach you something not stay with you through that lesson." giannis wasn't new to losing people he was actually kind of prone to it. so he knew what she was going through.

"and then their are people who are gonna be willing to do anything to stay with you forever. me cam and nelson are not leaving." he wanted to make sure she knew that. because aliyah was a big part of his life she was basically his little sister.

"like if i did i wouldn't have anybody to drag around the court at tryouts or make tiktok's with. and annoy cam." giannis told her nudging her shoulder. aliyah laughed at his statement.

cam fam👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

nobody in this hoe can guard me lol

bro what.
dawg i would do your shit

nobody can guard ME.

i could low k do beat all of yall so..
we can lace up and everything.

whatever you say my heart

being around nelson lavar giannis and cam more made her realize the importance of everything around her and just be thankful for what you have. she was behind grateful for the group of friends she had and she wouldn't want it to be any other way she knew some people would let her down and that ok. as long as it wasn't anyone in her group she was ok.


yall my sister moved out. cried all morning

sorry for the short chapter i really don't even know what this is. it's honestly a bunch of stuff like all of my recent chapters🤦‍♀️

also if theirs typos in here ignore it i didn't proof read it

also im binging one day at a time. also does anyone else get emotionally attached to tv shows cs that's actually what's happening

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