- chapter 13!

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it was later that day and cam, nelson, lavar, marie, giannis, and aliyah all decided they wanted to go to an arcade. it was pretty big it had restaurant in there that they planned to eat at. aliyah was on the phone with malachi trying to decide what she wanted to wear.

aliyah had on a pink crop top and baggy blue jens and she decided to put a pink bow in her hair for fun. "do you like my outfit?" she asked malachi while she was looking in the bathroom mirror still fixing up her hair still.

"yeah you look pretty." malachi told her bringing a smile to her face. she was gonna put on her valentine dunk lows but she couldn't find them anywhere in her room. then she remembered she left them downstairs. she texted the RWE gc and asked one of them to go get her dunks that were by the front door.

a couple minutes later she heard footsteps followed by a knock on her door. she walked over to the door and it revealed nelson's face. she froze a little bit because she hadn't even looked at him in days. so why would he even bring up her shoes? aliyah thought nelson didn't like her.

"here." he told her with a soft voice handing her the shoes.  she grabbed the shoes she honestly didn't know if she should say anything. they hadn't talked in forever it felt awkward honestly.

"thank you." she told him with a small smile on her face. nelson awkwardly smiled back then went back downstairs. aliyah went back to her phone and told malachi she would call him back later then hung up.

aliyah groaned to herself knowing she knew she missed talking to nelson still. yeah she had malachi but nobody can really compare to nelson. she replayed the moment over and over in her head. she thought it was crazy that one small encounter could affect her like this but it wasn't only aliyah who felt like this.

nelson chose to bring up her shoes. giannis and lavar were all downstairs with nelson but he brought them up there because he just wanted to say something to aliyah. if he was being honest he knew he was gonna fold soon and apologize. he didn't know what he was waiting for. he settled on doing it tomorrow he just didn't know how.

everyone was ready to go so they all got into the car. aliyah got in last so their was one seat left. that seat was in the middle of giannis and nelson. she thought nothing could get worse then this after what just happened in the house. she went to go sit down in the seat because what else was she gonna do.

during the ride she put her airpods in her ears and subconsciously she started to bounce her leg up and down. she didn't notice whenever she did it but it happened whenever she was nervous and nelson picked up on it.

nelson noticed her leg and he didn't know if he wanted to stop it or just let it happen. he didn't want to be anymore awkward. he thought she would move his hand or look at him in some way.

but he put his hand on her thigh anyway and he kept it there. aliyah looked at his hand for a moment before deciding if she wanted to move it. she decided to just let it be. it honestly made aliyah more nervous. they haven't even formed a conversation in days. it was honestly the worst. so for him to put his hand on her thigh she thought it was just random. he wouldn't even talk to her so why would he do that?

they arrived at the arcade and all got out of the car to go into the place. the arcade has a lot of stuff to do. it had go carting a restaurant and bowling. they weren't gonna bowl because they all sucked.

HEART TO HEART- NELSON NUEMANNWhere stories live. Discover now