- chapter 9!

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after the game aliyah went to her room because she had alot to unpack with herself . she had just realized how much she had actually really liked nelson and that she can't deny and shake it off for a little while like she used to. it was all she could think about.

she spent a lot of her time deciding if she wanted to tell him or just wait it out and see if it lasts. this was probably one of the most confusing things aliyah had experienced.

aliyah was never the type to even go up to guys and at that start liking them. people would always approach aliyah and ask for her number as a joke which made her even more self conscious about herself.

aliyah never knew why people thought about her in such a bad way. she was always a sweetheart to people. she never bothered anyone and she stayed to herself. she would give people her homework answers help them  with tests so it really comfused her.

unfortunately it happened her whole life. people bullied her all the way until high school and this obviously had an effect on the poor girl.

she was never really confident in her appearance. she never talked to anyone and she let people walk all over her. she didn't want people to dislike her even more so she just went along with it.

but as she got older she got comfortable and content with the fact that people just aren't gonna like her. yeah it made her sad but what could she really do about it.

aliyah had never liked anyone so this was all a new experience to her. she didn't know what she wanted right now. she knew she dug herself deep with this and she didn't know how to get out. she put her airpods in and started playing sza because she was like therapy to her.

she also didn't want to ruin what she already had with nelson if she did tell him. she had a great friendship so if she ruined it over her feeling she wouldn't know what she would do. she was scared.

she also thought about what if  they did get together. she didn't want to ruin it. aliyah had a record of self sabotaging herself because she didn't want to even give people the chance of hurting her. it was one of her worst traits that she hated about herself.

aliyah would always leave friendships when she felt they got to close. kylee stayed with her through all of those self sabotages unlike everybody else. that's part of the reason they're such close friends.

when people slightly changed their attitude towards her she would completely shut down and stop associating herself with them.

she didn't want to do that with nelson. she didn't want to hurt him because of her flaws. she hated hurting other people because she can't handle rejection.

she wanted to tell nelson how she felt and she was. when the right time comes she will. but she had to make sure she did it right she had to make sure it was perfect.

she decided that she wanted to get this off her mind for a while so she got on her phone for a while.

she was scrolling on instagram until someone tagged her in a post. she clicked it and her heart completely sunk. it was a picture of nelson kissing another girl.


yall are gonna HATE me these next few chapters lmaoo.

also thank you for 200 reads🫶🏼

aliyah's me im her

i hope everyone has an amazing new years💕

i'm gonna update again tomorrow make sure to vote comment
and follow mwauh💋.

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