-chapter 15!

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it had been 4 days since aliyah and nelson stopped talking. they had a game tomorrow but that wasn't what he was worried about. to say nelson missed aliyah was an understatement. nelson was normally not affected by stuff like this it would take a couple hours to get over it but this was different.

he had lost someone that completely understood him. aliyah knew everything about nelson. she knew him like that back of her hand which made nelson more attracted to her.

he never had anyone that payed attention to things he said or did and it was one of the reasons why he liked aliyah. he thought today would be perfect to talk to aliyah and actually apologize. he just didn't know how.

nelson went up to cams room so he could ask him what he should do. "coach cammy." nelson said dragging out the y as he walked into cams room.

"damn you don't know how to knock?" cam told him mean mugging him.

"whatever that's  not what i'm here for." nelson said sitting on a chair facing cam.

"basically today i want to say sorry to aliyah but i don't know how. i feel like she's just gonna walk away because she's not gonna want to hear what i have to say." nelson told him you could hear the nerves in his voice.

cam thought it was funny how much nelson and aliyah were meant for each other. they matched each other's personality's so well. they were honestly perfect together. cam knew someone was gonna fold soon knowing they could barely survive without each other.
it was young love and he thought it was cute.

"listen i'm gonna find a way to make aliyah go to the kitchen im gonna leave then you're gonna have to find a way to make her listen to you. like don't let her leave." cam told him and nelson just nodded his head. cam told him he would text him when he was gonna bring her downstairs.

nelson was overthinking everything. he thought what he had to say wasn't good enough. he thought she wasn't gonna accept his apology. he wanted this to work out a lot. he hated that aliyah had a hold on him like this.

he was nervous to say the least. meanwhile aliyah was thinking about how ignoring him wasn't worth all of this. she knew she overreacted and should've told him about it instead of just ignoring him. she couldn't help but think about how much she missed out on because she was being stubborn.

she was gonna watch tv until cam told her to meet him by the kitchen. she got up out of her bed and walked downstairs. she didn't see cam she was confused until she saw nelson. she was gonna walk away until he grabbed her by her waist.

"can you wait please?" nelson told her trying to get her to listen to what he had to say.

"why should i?" she asked him. when aliyah said she was stubborn she was until she didn't have a reason to be anymore. it was habit she needed to grow out of.

"because im trying to explain something to you." nelson had told her starting to grow inpatient with her attitude.

"you have five minutes." aliyah told him looking up at him with her arms crossed.

"i get your mad about that picture or some shit but that's not even me." he told her taking out his phone to show her the picture.

"that boy in the picture has a soccer jersey when have you seen me where a soccer jersey. he also has darker hair the me." he said looking at her.

"like that doesn't even look like me." he told her with his arms crossed. aliyah was a little shocked. she was wrong the whole time and she made it such a big thing.
she felt so stupid. "oh" she said regretting it right after.

"and aliyah isn't it obvious enough that i like you. its always been you and it's always going to be you." he told her looking down at her.

"i'm sorry to i shouldn't have got mad at you like that i should've just showed it to you." she told him."and i like you to a lot. i didn't know you would become such a big part of my life but im glad you did." she told him. both of them were a nervous mess. you could see it all over their faces.

they decided to walk back to aliyah's room and watch a movie. they decided to put on lab rats just because they thought the show was funny.

aliyah beyond happy to have her favorite person back after what felt like forever to her. she was kinda confused why he didn't ask her out. she thought it was just because they haven't talk in a while. so she let it go and watched the show. nelson was laying his head on aliyah's lap and fell asleep.

aliyah took a picture and laughed at the picture.  she thought it was cute.



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aliyah.wilder guess who lmaoo
tagged @youcantgaurdme

babygiannis dare i say it is it nelson
ilovezaxbys wowzers thought it would be harder then that🫤

justhoop can u tell my player to lock in? 🙏
ilovezaxbys i'll think about it

georgewash dude is never locked in
ilovezaxbys and u r?💀

youcantgaurdme guys who is that?🤔
ilovezaxbys i can't quite put my finger on it

user now this is what i want to see

the fact that i started this book a couple days ago and it already has 1k reads thank you🥹💝

short chapter but who really cares

was anybody else on both of cams lives last night he was talking about everything lmao 😭😭

make sure to vote comment and follow mwauh💋

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