♧solar mers x fem reader!♧

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You were just the weak little one that no one liked..the captain would always give you the most annoying chores like cutting potatoes cleaning his desk ordering the treasure maps.. you hated working for him.. he wouldn't stop flirting with you.. you were pretty good looking, but he was so inappropriate.. ugh.. you hated that guy.. but you had to do what he told you to do or else he’ll throw you off the ship to the ocean no matter how pretty you were you knew very well that doesn’t really care about you.. you sighed as you washed the floor.. after you were done you had your break.. you were about to go to your dorm when suddenly “Y/N! Get ya’r ass here! Right now!” you groaned and walked up to ruddolf “we've’ caught some big ass fish and we need ya to help get them to theyre cage.” you nodded but frowned a little not that he’ll notice anyway.. you knew a lot about the ocean and its creatures.. you knew a lot about how to calm them down and such.. you were very kind to them as well.. you really liked the ocean and for some reason you really liked mers as well.. it was pretty rare to find one cause they were extremely intelligent.. last time they caught two poor dolphins and you managed to let them escape before they sold them no one thought it was you, you were so lucky that day but luck can run out.. you just hoped that the fish they caught are just some big tunas or something.. cause if it was something else.. you knew you had to help it escape.. y-yeah its probably just big tunas.. oh boy how you were wrong.. he led you to a room you heard muffled yells out of the door when he opened it you were shocked.. two.. big.. beautiful… mers were caught in a net a couple of men were holding down the net while the others held tight ropes that were tide to the mers throats.. and hands.. you gasped “pretty amazing ain't? We found those pretty boys in one of the caves! They're gonna bring us fortune!” you looked to ruddolf pretty annoyed that all he cared about was the money.. you sighed.. he suddenly pushed you towards them “well? What are you waitin’ for? Go do ya’r voodoo magic!” you shoved he’s hand “first of all its not ‘voodoo magic’” you said mockingly “its called knowledge! Something that you might have had if you had a brain at all!” he glared at you “secondly do you really think that their anything like other creatures?! Their a lot more intelligent.. and now their hurt and scared! Their twice my size and probably wouldn’t think twice before slicing me to half!” he grumbled and crossed he’s arms over he’s chest “then what do you suggest ocean nerd?!” you sighed heavily “if you want to still be alive and in one piece do exactly as I say got it?!” he opened he’s mouth to speak but stopped himself and nodded “well lets start by letting your men down.. tell them to let go!” you ordered he then immediately looked at you like you were insane “ are ya’ crazy? Did ya hit ya’r little head or somthin’?” he shouted and you just glared at him “you heard me!” he laughs historically and shoves you out of the door “we don’t need ya’r voodoo thing! we can handle this ourselves! what was I thinking bringing a nobody like ya here! get ya’r ass out of here before I change my mind!” he said angrily you just rolled your eyes and walked away.. you were gonna come back when no one will notice and help those poor creatures.. maybe even help them escape.. as you walked away you didn’t notice the two mers were listening to everything that happened and they understood every word of it they stared at your back fading away… maybe.. just maybe..

at night time you managed to get a bottle of wine and you had a sack full of seaweeds and all kinds of fish you managed to get… you got down to the room that you've seen them just a couple of hours ago.. joe was guarding the cage ‘oh good.. he’ll be easy to distract’ you walk in with a big smile “hey! joe watcha doin’?” you asked friendily he smiled back at you “hey! y/n! How are you this fine evening~” he said winking at you, you are gonna hate every second of what your gonna do.. “oh~ I’m fine..~ just saw you and thought…” you then pulled out the wine he gasped “sayyyy~ where did ya get that?~ and for me~~” he grinned at you, you forced a smile on trying not to barf “oh you just seem ssooo exhausted…. From alll of the work and I just thought poor joe maybe I could cover for ya~?” you winked and he mestiviously smiled.. “oh~ you know it sweets~.. maybe we could have some fun other time?~” you smiled and just gave him the bottle he looked at it with pure delight he then grabbed your hand gave it a kiss and skipped away as soon as he got out of sight you closed the door and almost barfed as you made a disgusted face.. “EW!” you whisper yeled you wiped your hand on your baggy pants as you heard a giggle you turned your head to see the two beautiful mermaids stare at you,
one was golden with orange and yellow stripes fins surrounded his head and he had two big light blue pupils
the other one was all shades of black and dark blue and even a bit dark purple with a big fin coming out of his head and a bunch of tiny ones surrounding his head yellow dots covered he’s tale and fins to resemble the night sky.. it was beautiful.. they were beautiful.. you snapped out of your thoughts and slowly waved at them “h-hi.. umm.. not sure if you can understand me.. but don’t worry I wont hurt you.. I’m gonna get you two out of here.. have you guys eaten anything?” they both stared at you the yellow mer seemed a bit scared and the blue mer just glared at you, you didn’t want approach afraid of startling them so you move very slow.. you get the bag and open it you show them that you don’t have a weapon “look, you don’t have to trust me or even like me.. I just want to help…” the yellow mer looked at the food a bit drooling and looked back at the other mer who two looked very hungry.. but concerned at the same time.. “and how are we supposed to know that your not tricking us?” the blue mer suddenly spoke.. WHAT?! They can talk?!?! you were in pure shock the blue mer just crossed he’s arms and glared at you.. “u-umm w-well.. I’m all you got right now.. unless you have a plan on how to get out of here without getting hurt I’m your biggest shot” you looked him in the eyes he looked at you back then turned to his..umm.. to the golden mer they did a series of clicks and the blue mer finally grumbled and nodded “may I approach?” you asked he glared at you before nodding again you slowly approached and gave them the sack they immediately began eating you smiled to yourself “may I cut the ropes? Their too tight and hurting you..” you looked with genuine concern in your eyes.. the golden mer looked deep into your eyes and slowly nodded… “y-you may..”  you nodded and slowly approached the bars the blue mer glared at you with a look that said ‘try something if you dare’ you nodded to him to get permission and he slowly nodded back you slowly got out a knife and started to cut the ropes that were tide up on he’s hands “s-so I got some ointment and bandages.. I got other medical stuff as well.. do you know how to use it?” you asked as you get the ropes off of the golden mer the blue mer looked at you with wide eyes..
why are you helping us? What do you want in return?” you looked up to him and softly smiled.. “well.. maybe there are people who just want to help without getting anything in return..” you finished getting all the ropes off of the golden mer he slowly backed away and the blue mer approached he flinched when you touched he’s skin.. but when you touched it you froze “y-your as cold as ice! And your dry! Oh my god!
D-do you need water?! I’ll get some warm water right now!!” you said quickly before running away to one of the rooms that you knew had warm water you got 4 buckets filled with warm water and dragged 2 with you you put the water near the bars “wait here I’ll go grab 2 more!” and ran again to get the others as soon as you returned you slowly approached breathing heavily “sigh… so…. May I pore the water on you or you’d prefer that I’ll just hand them to you?” you asked the blue mer just stared at you when the golden mer said “I would like you to pore on me the water p-please?” you smiled and got a latter you slowly went up with one of the buckets and pored the warm water on the golden mer “aahhh~~” you chuckled as the golden mer got wet he seemed a lot more relaxed as you pored the water on him you did the same process on the both of them 2 buckets each and the both of them had the same reaction you giggled to yourself as you got down close to the blue mer and kept cutting the ropes till he had no more you got out the ointment and bandages and gently rubbed it on the cuts and bruises he growled when you did but you continued.. he seemed to like it at one point.. once you finished with the blue mer you went to the golden mer who seemed more relaxed to your touch.. almost like he wanted it... after finishing you sat beside the cage a bit exhausted you sighed in exhaustion and stretched your arms
“my name is sun btw! Whats yours?” the golden mer said happily you smiled softly at him “I’m y/n.. nice to meet you sun!” you then looked at the blue mer who was sitting in the corner grumbling to himself “whats your name grumpy pants?” you said teasingly the golden mer- er… sun fell on the ground laughing as the blue mer gasped with an ‘offended’ look “excuse you! My name is moon! Thank you very much!” he said glaring a you, you chuckled “soo.. y/n why won’t you just let us go now? hhmm?” moon asked suspiciously almost wanting to find a reason why not to trust you sun turned to you with a curious look you groaned in annoyance “the key’s to your cage are with the captain and I’ll have to flirt with him to get those! Uuugghhh!” you said with a disgusted look on your face sun chuckled as moon’s eyes widened
your not he’s mate?” he asked curiously you looked at him with shock and disgust “EW! Do I look like his mate?! Ugh barf!” you said he then quietly chuckled you looked at him a bit surprised.. you never thought you’ll here him of all people chuckle you smiled, after a couple of hours talking to the you felt a kind of conection with them you couldn’t explain you felt flustered every time thay gave a compliment and for some reason they gave you a banch… you almost thought they were flirting with you.. you looked out the window and you could see the rays of the sun coming to view “well I should go.. I hope they won’t hurt you.. I’ll come back tomorrow and I’ll see if I can get the captain to let me be in-charge of you two or somethin’..” you said stretching.. sun wined as moon just frowned a bit.. “the sooner I’ll get you guys outa here the better..” you said you took you medical supplies and other things you brought.. you took one last glance at them “bye sun! Bye moon! It was nice to meet ya!” you said smiling sun waved happily as moon grinned at you with a toothy smile “until we meet again y/n~” he said I don’t know but the way he said it made you blush you quickly turned away and ran to your dorm this is gonna be a long day….

You breathed in and breathed out.. ok you were just gonna talk to him maybe flirt a bit to get the position..ugh I hate this! you knocked on the door you heard a faint com in before stepping in the room you were now face to face with the captain he raised he’s head from the paper and a giant grin was placed on he’s face oh how bad you wanted to just punch him! “y/n! My favorite person from the crew! Do you need something dear?” you tried as hard as you could not to barf “h-hey captain! Yes I need something..” you looked away sheepishly he’s grin widened  “well~ what do you need darling?” he said getting up from he’s sit and approaching you, you slowly took a step back “w-well I just wandered c-could I keep watch of the mers? You know how fascinated I am by sea creatures! and I am the smartest of your crew! I could make them strong and healthy for you! I can even make them more beautiful!” as you talked you didn’t notice him getting closer and closer cornering you against the wall.. he then suddenly pinned you to the wall you felt sick to your stomach..you saw hunger in he’s eyes.. ”is that so?~” you looked him in the eyes with pure disgust but you were very good at hiding you slowly nodded he grinned even wider it seemed impossible to grin wider then that “and what will I get in return?~”  “w-what do you w-want?..” you slowly asked praying that its not what you think it is… and it was… he got closer and closer and…

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