mer octopus eclipse x reader

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On with the stowwyyyy

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On with the stowwyyyy



You slamed your hand on the alrm clock in annoyance.. with a groan and a yawn you sat up and rubbed the sleep from your eyes... you got ouf of bed and started your morning routin...

Making yourself a sandwich and grabbing your bag you started heading out to work...

The famous sea creatures facility known as 'fazbear co.' They were famous for having all different kinds of sea creatures... including mers...

Yup, man kind finally found out about mer species... about...15 years ago?... it still counted as a 'new species'.. people all over the world started hunting and capturing the poor beings... you felt bad for them...

Mers are very intelagent creatures.. researchers say theyre almost as smart as humans..
But humans being humans... istead of working alongside with them or just try to comunicate theycapture them...hunt them down... like any other animal...use them for circus shows.. its all about the money money money...ugh...

Mers quickly learnd to hate and fear us... slowly deasapiring from the maps... researchers couldnt find mers in the seas anymore... finding a wild mer was very rare nowdays...

Some say they left for good..some say they just died..
But some say theyre still the dark deep... have their own world full of mers we never even dreamed of...

You dont blame the poor beings for wanting to stay away... humankind sucks... as a human you can admit it...of course there are always good persons out there...kind souls that are waiting to be found by the lucky... but the majoroty...yup, sucks..

So today there are still milliones of mers and sirens but... not wild.. most of them just born in cages..poor things...

So yeah you worked for that kind of

But what can you say? You loved sea creatures! You loved mers! Fishes! Jellyfish! And what not?? Theyre sucha mezmerising creatures..

You snap back from your thoughts when you finally enter the facility...

You werent a handler for one of those megnificet beings... though you wish.. you knew that if you were you would care for them deeply...
You were incharge of restocking, cleaning, sometimes customer serviece, and a bunch of other stuff.. sometimes you would work near mers.. some of them were very fond of the attention.. some were a bit shy.. but they all were used to that...

You clock in and start your shift..


A couple of hours after opening the place was pretty full (like always)
And you wondered around helping customers and taking pictures of families. (for them!! not in a creepy way!!)
As you proceed to walk around you see the little place where little kids can stick theyre hand and touch little fish or starfish or whatever..

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