☆eclipse x fem reader☆

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It was a beautiful sunset...next to the shore... and as always, you took your daily walk on the beach.. picking up some garbage if you found some... and taking home some pretty shels to add to your beautiful colection.. it was peacefull. You didnt see any garbage yet.. the sound of the waves was so relaxing.. feeling the soft sand in your toes.. breathing the fresh salty air.. the sky were painted in shades of pink and orange.. this was perfect... absalutly nothing can ruin this moment... you wished it will never end.. but as everything good.. it ended.. you saw the rocky montain you'v seen many times before.. that was your place to reach every evening and then you'll turn on your heel and go back home... to another boring normal day at your horrible job... those walks were a lot better then therepy.. it helped you a lot mentaly... you didnt know what youll do without the ocean..

As you reached to the rocky montain you sat on the sand leaning your back on the giant rock that was in front of you.. you started humming to yourself.. it was so peacefull. But that peacefull moment was broken by a..whine.?.. you shot your eyes open.. you frantacly looked around you.. know one was there.. you hummed again.. there! There it was again! You started humming and stood up you tried to here from where it was... you turned to look at the montain... oh no.. without much thought you started climbing the montain till you reached a tiny hole.. that leads into a cave, you started to crawl in you got on all four and crawled into the darkness.. god you should have brought your phone... a flashlight will be so helpful right now... you hummed again and heard humming back.. but it sounded in pain! Oh god! "Dont worry little guy I'm coming!" You whisper shouted and crawled faster towards the voice  you finally reached a larger space in the cave that allowed you to stand up. Oh good.. all that crawling was not doing wonders to your back legs and hands... you stood up and tried to see in the darkness.. there was a sunlight shineing from above and the sound coming from there you slowly walked towards the voice and you were shocked...

A.. creature.. sat in the middle of a rock that was surronded with water... it was a sea creature.. you could tell by all of he's fins... and tail.. he was a size of a dog... he had four arms.. cute little chubby arms.. he was a baby.. aawwww... that poor  little guy.. he was tangled in a net.. the net was cutting through he's flesh and he looked tierd you loward your self to the ground so you wouldnt look threatning and talked quietly and softly "hey.. hey.. stop moving too much your hurting yourself even more!.." he snapped he's head at you.. he looked at you with big glowing orange fearfull eyes and hissed at you you frowned.
"I'm only trying to help I promise!" You tryed aproaching but he struggled even more and you didnt want him to injur himself too much so you backed away... he was scared.. confused.. hungry.. poor guy.. you thought... then you snapped your fingers. Right! The thing that made him call you at the firat place! You softly started humming.. he freezed looking at you.. realizing that what he heard was you.. you hummed for acouple of aeconds slowly aproaching.. he did hiss a bit but stopped strugling against the net so that was good enough for you you slowly started untagling him from the net he hissed  and tried to bite you a couple of times but it was kinda cute you giggled as he tried biting you again.. you slowly got the net off of him..
He sturted licking at he's injuries and whining every time he did "alright buddy.. your coming with me.. you clearly need to take care of those woonds and your not doin so great on your own.." you smiled softly at him as he hissed you again.. you took a long exhale.. what your gonna do probably gonna hurt a bit.. you slowly reached for him. He tried to shuffle away but it only hurt him even more you finally picked him up he hissed and scrtched at your hand you winced.. yup.. it didnt hurt that bad though.. so you kept your hold on him he finally stopped after a couple of minutes.. he looked exhasted.. poor guy.. you patted he's skales.. and he hissed but didnt move away from your touch..

After 30 minutes of shuffling you finally got out of the cave.. you carried him home.. when you brought him inside you went straight to the bathroom. You started a bath with warm water and went to the batgroom cabinet to take out your medkit.. all of this with him still in your grip. When the bathtub was full you checked the temperature and it was perfect!
You gently put him in the water.. when you did he relaxed a bit.. you took the med kit and started treating he's woonds.. when you cleaned them he hissed and whined in pain you gave him an apologistic look "I know, I know buddy.. it will soon be over I'm sorry.. " you started to put some ointment.. and he seemed more relaxed.. you gently treated he's injuries and he even leaned into your touche.. you sniled a warm smile at him..he was so cute!
When you treated he's injuries you looked at him better.. abd he was.. beautiful!
He was all shades of orange and black.. four ciute chubby hands.. cute chubby tale.. and cute chubby face.. he had fins surrounding he's had that mad it look like a flower.. a sunflower.. or sun rays?.. it was adorable.. he had round teethe.. and he's claws were not fully grown yet.. so it didnt hurt that bad.. when you started to put some ointment on he's cheek he suddenly grabbed one of your hands and started chewing on it...?.. wa?.. you chuckled to
yourself.. you felt he didnt do this to harm you...actually hurting you right now wasnt he's intension.. he could bite a lot harder then that.. and now he's chewing on youd wrist.. gently?.. it was interesting.. you laughed to yourself again "what are you doing?.." you asked between lauthes. He looked up you.. no hissing.. no fearfull eyes.. curiousity filled those eyes and you smiled warmly at him "can I have may hand back? I need to finish taking care of your injuries.. please?" You asked softly he just stared at you still chewing on your hand.. ok then.. you slowly took your hand back and continued with your work when you finally done you stood up and stretched your arms above your head till you heard a satisfieng click!
Wow you were crouched a long time.. damn.. you looked at the clock.. 11PM.. you looked back at the creature.. you couldnt just leave him tomorrow for 8 hours!.. you sighed getting out of the bathroom but as soon as you got to the soor you heard a whine you looked at the creature.. you should realy find a name for him..or her.. you had no idea.. you think its a him though..
You got back to the vathtub with a soft concern look "whats wrong sweeti?" You said softly he took your arm.. did he want you to stay with him?.. aaawwww... you could just gobble him up! You smiled softly at him and patted his fins..he leaned into your touch "dont worry baby I'll be right back!" You baby talked.. you just couldnt help it! He was too cute.. you slowly took your hand back and got out you heard another whine and a splash of water.. you quickly got your phone and got back "see? I'm back! Im here! No need to worry!" You said softly patting he's fins he took your hand and started rubbing he's face on it you bit your lip.. holding yourself back from gobbling him up

You called your boss and called in sick for the next 2 days... that should be enough till he will be ok to get back to the sea.. you suppose.. you put your phone aside and cuped he's face.. parring him and baby talking to him... he seemed to realy enjoy the attention.. leaning in your touch and he's fins around he's head opened up a bit.. even he's tale wagged! It was adorabble!.. after a couple oof minutes he started playing with your fingers inspecting every detale he could.. he was a curios little guy two of he's hands holds one of yours and tge other two doing the grabby motion you raised your brow at him and lowere yorself to eye level as soon as you did he grabbed your face not harshly.. cupping your cheeks he inspected your face very curiously makinv you do vey weird faces opening your mouth moving your face to the sides you giggled and chuckled it was just too cute he then looked deep into your eyes and got so close that your noses were almost touching you smiles holding he's tiny hands that held your face and you gave  him a tiny kiss on the nose, he froze blinking once. twice. He slowly let go of your face he's two upper hands grabbing he's nose and the other two on he's cheeks you giggled at he's reaction he's fins shivered with excitment and he's tale wagged you chuckled again he then held out he's hands again in the grabby motion doing cute noises and clicks you chuckled again "what? You want kiss?" You said with baby talk again he tilted he's head. You chuckled cupping he's cheeks and giving him a kiss on the fore head "kiss" you said and gave him another kiss on the cheek "kiss" you said again and you repited that a few times till you think he had enough he's cheeks were rosy pink he's tale wagging and  he's fins around he's head practacly. Dancing you giggled he was so adorable. You stetched and yawned.. its getting late. You should get some sleep. But first... "what should I call you?.." you put you hand on your chin thoughtfully.. he stared at you and then mimicked you, you chuckled again.. you put your hand on your chest "I'm y/n!" You tapped your chest again and said your name more slowly he looked at you repiting this motion.. and didnt respond you smiled at him.. "guess you cant realy understand me huh?" You laughed you then looked into he's orange glowing eyes.. he's colors reminded you of... "huh.. eclipse.. " you muttered ander your breath, he tilted he's head "what do you think? Eclipse? Its not that bad right?" Yet again he didnt respond you raised your finger and pressed it against he's chest you slowly said "your eclipse!" You said happily he lloked at you finger and pointed he's little chubby finger at you you chuckled "no, you-" you took he's hand and pointed it on he's chest "-your eclipse!" You said again he looked confused at you and pointed to himself you clappes your hands together "yes! Thats right! Your eclipse! I'm y/n!" He nodded.. you were in shock! He understood ! He understood what you were saying! You smiled a btight smile at him and patted his fins "good boy!" You said cheerfuly he did some cute sounds and then yawned.. you yawned as well.. you two needed to rest.. you went out but he didnt let you.. whining and cryin for you to come back "I'm only going to sleep in my bed! Its ok I'm gonna be back at the morning dont worry!" After 2 hours of comforting him he finally looked asleep. You took in a deep exhale and finally exited the bathroom.. you chanfed to your PJ's and headed to bed.. when you were finally under the sheets you let your body fall limp and your breathing was more quiet and relaxed... you were now half asleep when you felt a waight on tge bed.. strange.. but you were too tiered.. the bed was way too warm.. and your eyes were heavy.. you just wanted to sleep you felt something wet.. your sheets are a bit wet.. huh.. you then felt something wet and warm sbuggle to your side you groaned... you just want to sleep.. you then rapped your hands atound it like a teady bear and snuggled with it.. it snuggled even closer.. burring its face in your chest.. it felt nice... comforting.. you then felt something wet on your cheek.. going up and down your cheek.. you moved your face away and squeented your eyes.. you saw blurres of orange and black.. you held he's cheeks and gave him a kiss and snuggled close to him.. he was wet.. but he was warm and very cute.. so it worked out...


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