mer eclipse x fem reader p 2

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You felt shifting in your didnt want to wake up yet... your sheets are wet...huh... weird... something is snuggling close to your chest... its so warm.. and soft.. you held it closer...nuzzling your nose against purrd in delight.. but then it shifted.. and got on top of you... suddenly you felt something slimy on your face! You shot your eyes open only to be licked again. You yelped and tried to move the thing that is licking you away. He didnt stop, you laughed "e-eclipse?. He he he.. s-stop! Eeeeewww" you sat up and wiped your face. Then turned to eclipse who was sitting in your lap tale waging and a big smile on he's face. you laughed and booped he's nose "no licking my face got it?"he squinted his eyes at you and licked your nose before you could dodge him "hey! No!" You chuckled and finally got out of bed. with eclipse in your arms. you got to the bathroom drained the water from last night and filled the bath tub with new clean water. Eclipse chirped and seemed to relax under the water stream. You giggled, and then took your medkit and changed he's bandages.

You left to the kitchen and searched the fridge.. where..where... ah! Found it! I knew I had some fish somewhere! You took out the fish and got back to the bathroom. You gave eclipse the fish wich he happily accepted and ate peacfully. You sighed in releaf and got back to the kitchen to make yourself some food.

After you finished making some eggs and bakon you turned around to see eclipse in the living room on your couch you gasped "eclipse! Get back to the bathroom! You'v been out of the water the whole night! You need to rest in the water! And dragging yourself everywher in my house is not going to help you!" You said loudly, he shrinked deeper into your couch with a whine.. you took a deep breath before putting your food on the kitchen table and going to the living room. You picked up eclipse and gave him a kiss on the cheek "I dont want you getting more hurt. Ok baby? Now you need to rest!... please?" You said to him with hopeful eyes. He turned to look away and you sighed again.

You got him back in the bathtub and bonked your forehead with he's, he chirped happily and gave you a lick. You giggled and got out. He whined a few times but finally gave up. You got to the kitchen table and sat down ready to finally eat your meal when you heard a splash. you glared at the hallway "is someone getting out of the bathroom instead of reating!?!" You said loudly, before hearing a chirp and another splash. You smiled to yourself "thats what I thought!"

After a few hours you looked at he's injuries again and they were healing way faster then you thought they would! Wow! Mer magiicccc!!
By tomorrow he'll be ready to go back to the ocean...back to where he belongs...not here... with you... its not where he belonged..... its not he's home... and you dont know how to raise a mer... you knew he had to be out ther.. find a mate.. hunt... he needs to be in he's natural space... without humans... you sighed deeply.. you were atteched to him.. and you met him only yesterday!!
What is wrong with you! Curse your stupid heart! Ugghhhhh.. its because you gave him a name!.... you whined in frustration.. in every situation when a human finds a creature if he names it.. he'll get atteched! Its basically a rule of nature! God your stupid!

You were deep in thought, sitting next to the bathtub with your hand scratching at eclipses fins.. you yelped in surprise when he suddenly fell limp, you rushed to him "eclipse? You ok buddy?" You heard a whine as eclipse looked at you and then your hand that stopped scratching him, ooookkk?.... what just-.... wait a minut... you forrowed your eyebrows as you reached and scratched at his fins again (gentely of course!) He leaned into your touch and purred. You slowly moved your hand under he's chin, in the corner of your eye you saw he's tail wagging a bit more furiously, you then moved to he's neck but when you hit a spot under a specific fin he dropped again. Purring loudly and you saw him drull a bit. You  giggled... ooohhhhh~~ he's got a weak spottt~~~ thats adorable! You chuckled as he turned he's head so he leaned even further into your touch more comfortable.. he's purring growing louder. He was the cutest thing you ever saw!!

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