○°mer eclipse x fem reader p 3°○

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It was dark and cold.....

Your body shivered....

You feard that this will happen....

But not so soon....

Your body was sore... weak... it hurt... covered in bruises...yet you couldnt tell them.... even after years...you just couldnt....he never left your memory....

The sound of waves hitting the walls... you heard that for...how long now?...you lost count...how could you even keep counting with being here.. getting beatn up for answers...for the things you knew that you never said to a soul...

How did you get here? Covered in bruieses and cuts... tied up... aching in pain on the cold floor... you could see nothing but darkness..
After the scientests 'gave up' on you they went searching... till they found a particular place at sea.. where sailors will get misteriously vanished.. into thin air... and then..they suddenly remembered you again.. kidnapping you and dragging you all the way over to here... it took them years.. but they found evidents.. glimpses of camres that were around.. I wasnt carefull enough... its my fault... so I have to pay the price...
The small window that casted a bit of light into the room didnt help that much... sure it'll give you a bit of light but...you couldnt see the diffrences between day and night.. wich didnt matter that much anyways.... you couldnt get up.. you were far too weak... you felt your bracelet in your hand and smiled a weak smile... soon.. everything will be ok...surely...theyre world is hidden from ours...right?....they wont find him....right?...and he's kind....and itll be your fault....

Your vission got blurry as Warm tears fell down your cheeks...
Everything will be ok...he will be safe....they wont find him...

You shivered as you felt the coldness around you... you sighed a shakey breath....you breathed in once again and started to sing...the only thing that comforted you in this little hell...

The same song you sang eclipse...the same song you sang him every night...the same song you sang every night for 3 years...
The sane song that your mother written especialy for you...
You juat let the tears drop as you sang weakly.... closing your eyes and singing....focusing at the moment...at the memoriez...of your loving mother...and of your beautiful eclipse...

The ship suddenly stumbled a bit and you stopped your singing...
It wasnt rare that the ship did that...
But after 2 seconds you heard screams and shouts...theres no way....nononoNoNO!!...they could never ha-!!!
The ship stumbled again. A lot harder this time.. you heard a massive crash..ppl screaming...why is it wet?..
You looked at the floor around you... the room is slowly filling with water.. but what can you do? Your too weak!.. its probably best if you jus-!! You heard a roar. Massive crashes and water waves... then you saw a crack at the cieling and then CRASH!! suddenly the little room you were in got flodded with....light?... sunlight... you felt the warm sunlight on your body... and you shivered a bit your eyes squeented shut...wh-what---!!!
Something REALY big suddenly holds you! Whats going on!! a-a gia-ant h-h-hand?!? Huh???
You felt your self getting lifted and you were now held in a giant hand... you tried opening your eyes multipule times till your eyes got adjusted to the bright light.. your body was shaking in fear... what could be holding you right now??

"Human!" You flinched at the loud deep raspy voice you looked up to see...not one....
one with shades of dark blue and black...a long fin conected to the back of it's head with a light bulb thingy at the end.. it's eyes were glowing red staring down at you... it didnt look amused....

The other one was golden with shades of yellow and orange shimering under the sunlight.. it had fins surrounding it's head... reminding you of eclipse... it did look fammiliar to your eclipse... it glared at you as well...

You would have been admiring theyre beauty if you wernt in this particular situation...
Your body shook even more now... what are they planing to do to you..

"How do you know that melody!"
The darker one demmanded.. you looked up to him with big fearfull teary eyes.. you squeeked when he's held on you got a bit tighter. Remindeing you that he could squeeze you to death any minut now..
"NOW, human!" You took a shaky breath.. trying to speak but all that came out was a squeek..
The golden one sighed looking frustraited "did you still that from us two?" It said sternly. You shook your head "then how do you know it!" The darker mer said angrily tightening the hold on you.. it started to hurt do to your injuries..
"M-my m-mo-om....u-u-sed-d t-to... s-si-in-g i-it t-to m-me..." you squeeked with barly any air..
You were so scared right now... are they gonna turture you?.. eat you?. Just kill you?... keep you for an afternoon snack?..
Wait.... how did they... do they know your mom's lullaby??.. how?.. she wrote it especialy for you.... no one...could...
The golden mer squeented he's eyes at you.. they suddenly started glowing... you couldnt look away... your body stopped shivering... and you felt as if you wernt in control of your body anymore.. you started to panic!
"Where do you know this melody from." The golden mer asked. Still firmly but more gently this time.. your mouth moved without you even willing to "my mother... she wrote this song for me...no one should know about it... I was the only one who knew about it..."
My voice.. is a bit different... my expression more blank.. I was panicing inside! What was going on? Why cant you control your own body?? You still felt the tears falling on your cheeks though.. the golden mer blinked and its eyes returned back to normal you slowly gained controll again and immediatly looked away. Body shivering again..

"But how is it possible.."
The darker mer said under theyre breath.. they both exchanged expressions.. the hold on you got softer. Wich you were very thankfull for before it suddenly handed you to the golden mer... you flinched and held your breath..
Though it didnt hold you... rather you were lying in her palm..
She eyed you suspceiesly before her eyes widened.. her other hend slowly and gently tipped on your tied up hands that were behing your back.. you flinched at her touch..
"Wherd did you get this?" She asked stirnly the darker mer got closer and he's eyes widened as well.
"I-I m-ma-ade i-it.." you said quietly... why all the questions?.. just kill me already!! It wont be that hard!.. this is getting worse and worse each second th1at passes.. your fear getting stronger.. whats going on!?!
The golden mer looked up to the darker mer.. hope in her eye?....
"Is it possible?..." the darker mer looked down at me but the smiled softly... what??
"It could be...." he said with happiness in he's tone..

Your eyelids are getting havier and havier each second that passed... your body shivered.. and was sore... your injuries hurt... your vision blury... your stomach ached..  you didnt eat for a almost 3 days...
And  You slowly fell unconsciousness

You slowly gained your consciousness back... it hurt... you were on something hard and wet... your wrists are free now though... your not tied up anymore... you slowly sat up.. you had a masive headache...not like it mattered.. everything hurt anyway.. you sat against a rock with a grunt and shaky breathes...in...out...in....out...

Wher are you?
You slowly looked around.. you were in a massive cave....you were on a rock...surrounded by water... one side is conected to a the wall of the cave... you saw a lot of enterces to the cave.. sounds of dripping water and splashes were echoing all around you... your body stopped shivering a bit... but still was... why did they bring you here?... you dont want to die.... you freezed as you heard a splash nearby.. you frantacly looked around till you flinched as you saw....2...no...4...glowing...orange.. eyes....staring diractly....at you....
You didnt move...staring right back....
Those eyes....it cant be....could it?...

"...E-eclips-se?..." you said stutering...
Tears falling on your cheeks once again...after all this time....?....


Haya! Its been a while!
Anyways its gonna get a lot more interesting huh?..
I wonder who were these giant mers~~
Anyways! Sorry was too lazy to go over what I wrote to make sure it was good enough.. soo youll have to excuse me for that...
It just got wwaayy too long so I had to cut it... hope you wont mind a long chapter with a lot of cuddles and smooches!!
Anyways have a good night/day
Thanks for reading!
Love yal!❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😘😘

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