mer lunar/earth x child reader

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You grabbed your dad's pants as you enterd the giant building.. george screamed and shouted while running inside, you dad chuckled as he called him,  you hid behind his big long legs when ppl past by...

Why did it feel like they always watched you judgemently?.. you clutched your teddy bear tighter against your chest, seeking comfort in the old bear that was with you since you remember yourself..

George pulled at your fathers hand while jumping in excitement "dad! Dad! We gotta see monty!! You said Ima see monty today! And you said you'll buy me a present for my birthday too! Come on lets goooo!" Dad sped up his pace and you awkwardly jogged after him,trying to still hold his hand, you stumbled into a massive crowed of ppl, and got pushed around,losing dad's hand for a second only to find it again, you tried to squeeze between the ppl and go after your dad.. and finally you were out of the crowd, you sighed in relief, looking up smiling at your dad, only to freeze... t-thats not dad..

You immediatly let go of the strangers hand, looking around you.. w-wheres dad?..

You clutched your teddy bear tighter as tears started to prickle in the corners of your eyes, holding a small whimper inside, you shakily inhaled and kept going in a diraction you were 77% sure dad went...

You tried to follow signs,  searching for the color green..  knowing monty was green.. george wouldt stop talking about how cool and big and strong he was... but you always thought he was scary.. his big teeth and glowing pink eyes always terrified you.. and the shows he always did gave you nightmers.. he would roar and jump and snap his jaws, and all the kids with george would cheer and jump in excitement.. you didnt.. you would alwayd stay behind your mom's or dad's leg.. clutching the fabric tightly while looking away with a pathatic whimper..

You shook your head, this is not the time to think abot those stuff.. your a big girl! You can find dad! And youll tell him how brave you were while being lost, and he surely will buy you a little something as well... you just have to find him,  and not cry, hold the tears in.. dont cry..

The longer you didnt find him,and the more you got lost, the harder it was to keep the tears and terrified sounds inside of you.. you exidently came in a darker part of the building.. and theres no one here too.. its so dark you can barely see a couple of feet infront of you, your steps echoed around you in the darkness, sending shivers down your little spine..

You froze when you heard another set of steps.. looking around you, clutching the teady bear as hard as you could against your chest, if it could breath, it surely would suffocate by your tight grip.

You jumped with a squeak when you heard a shout, turning around to see a lady with a flash light and a hat, with a uniform like cops had, "hey! Kid! What are you doing here? This area is off limits!" You whimperd, cops are supposed to be good, you know that, but they always look so big and scarry with their uniforms and guns.. and you know that cops can take ppl to prison, oh no! What if she'll take you to prison because you wernt supposed to be here?! You cant go to jail! Its scary and dirty!!

You immediatly turned on your heel and ran as fast as you could,  the lady shouted at you again but you didnt listen, too scared to even care about what she says.

You stumble in fron if a big door and immediatly push it to get inside, as soon as you enter the room, the door closed shut behind you, and you were left in complete darkness.

Panicked and still very scared, you continued to run, you ran and ran, suddenly seeing a light at the distance, a little sparkle of hope lit inside your chest, pushing you further..

Tears were going down your face as you almost reached the light, but as soon as your hand reached out you stumbled, and fell, a hitched sob escaped you as you fell into the hard cold ground, sharp pain shooting in your palms and knee, you slowly sit up and hold your knee to your chest, crying quietly as the pain pounsed with the new wounds.. you could see blood, making you panic even more.

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