mer sun/moon/eclipse x TINY reader 😈

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You stumble as you float through the water, still not used to be under the surface for so long,  and under much pressure that your body should not endure, yet here you are, stumbling through the rocky halls of your boys's home, mer maids (pun very much intended) were swiming by, some giving you stink eyes, some offering a smile, and some just straight ignore you.

You dont mind, knowing that humans toremented them for years.. you dont blame either of them.. even your boys were against you at first.

But now theylle never let you go,just like you will never let them go.. so you live in a small island next to their home...

In a small villiage, where ppl are friends with some mers as well..
You were disconected from the world, not wanting the rest of the world to know about mers, knowing all theyll do is fight and take.

When you first met sun moon and eclipse you were marvled by their apearnce, you were living in the outside world, and like everyone you didnt know they existed.

Some ritch people tried to take them away, and you helped them, you also helped thrm get home.. and in those 3 weeks.. you found that you couldnt leave them..

And they grown quite the attechmant to you too.... specificly sunny, the bright mer always had you to play and laugh with him..  he said that I was the only one that had done it in years with him..

So! They took you and claimed you as their own, which you didnt mind actually, you wanted them just as badly. And now, your all happily mated with eachother, some fights are going along the way, we annoy each other as much as possible, but in the end of the day, we love each other to bits.

You came to pay thrm a visit, you were verry bussy yesterday with work, and you missed your boys dearly.. and by the calling feelings you had yesterday they were too..

You were soul bound mated with them.. so you could share emotions with them.. and they could do the same with you.

As you passed around a corner you tried to stablise yourself under the water.. ugh. You were never a good swimer.

Just as you entered another room, you yelped in surprise when you saw a massive light orbe, squeezing your eyes shut, you suddenly felt a wave of.... power?... magic, go trough you, your stomach did flip flops as you felt dizzy and lightheaded...

Slowly shaking your head, you opened your eyes... wha....... hhhuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh-

"HA! GOT YOU MOON! Whos better at magic no-wwaaAAAHHH! SEAFLOWER!" you heard sun scream, you immediatly covered your ears, why was it so LOUD?! "Goddamn it sun! Do you have a megaphone or something! Your gonna burst my eardrums!" You shouted, rubbing your face, ugh whats happening.. you feell.. weird.. and....


Why are you sinking?  Your standing on the floor-WHAT THE HELL-

you scrumbled in the water with a gasp, looking around you with wide eyes, sun was standing right infront of you with wide eyes, you stilled when you caught sight of him.....


You started to panic, fears creeping into your heart as you clutched your head, your arms and legs suddenly kicking frantacly as you continued to sink, tears pricked at the corners of your eyes..

You were suddenly snatched up and held in a giant yellow hand as sun brought you closer to his face "woah! Woah! Seaflower, breaaatthg... yes good, good, its goint to be ok my little seaflower... its ok, Its just a lil shrinking spell.. its alright... your alright.. Ive got you... " sun swimed into one corner of the room, helping you with your little panic.. once you calmed down a bit you clutched to his fingers for dear life.. which were now half of your size. Damn.

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