mer sun/moon x reader

419 17 2

"Come on slow poke! Ya comin?" bully/name shouted, and you were quick to shush him, adjusting the camre in your hands "w-why are we even doing this?? And can you stop shouting? Were gonna get caught!" B/n once again forced you to sneak in with him to some building.. you think its an anderwater zoo or somethin? Your not sure, what you are sure about is that this whole thing is a really really really bad idea.. "Oh come on y/n! Dont be sucha scardy cat! Besides! You said you like fish! So I braught you to a place they have fishmen!" You sigh.. "mermaids.. or siren.. its not that hard to rem-"

"Yeah sure whatever, can you start the recording already?" You got into a dark room, b/n ignored all the warning signs and just jumped over the gate.. it took you some time but you jumped after him.. "I-I dont wanna be here.. " you squeaked in fear.. your not the kinda person to be scared of the dark.. but now you sure are scared.. "holy- Y/N GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" You quickly follow b/n.. your steps echo through the massive darkned room, you reach a tank... a really big one at that, b/n drags you over to the glass, and sticks his face to the glass.. you cringe.. ew..

"Shit. I cant see! Its dark as fuck out there.." you frown at his harsh language.. you dont like to curse.. and hearing others curse around you bugs you a little..

You feel like someone is watching you.. you turn your head around, seeing nothing but darkness.. the glass in front of you is icky black.. you flinch when you see something moving far away, b/n gasps loudly "holy fuck! Did you see that! Did you see that?!" You shrink in on your self.. can he be any more loud...

He grabs your arm harshly dragging you to a door, you wince "o-ouch." You squeak and b/n rolles his eyes "oh shut up pepsquick! It didnt hurt that bad." Your eyes suddenly widen when you see where b/n is dragging you, "w-we shouldnt disturb t-the m-mers! T-they will g-get aggrasive! I-its their t-teretory! A-" b/n smacks the back of your head "oh shush! Now comeon!" You whimper when you step onto the catwalks above one of the tanks, b/n snatched the camre from your fingers and you yelp in pain, clutching your hand, b/n turns on the flashlight he brought "alright ya giant fish! Come on out!" You quickly shush him "h-hey! S-stop t-that!" He starts to shout random stuff and you shrink more and more onto yourself.. when nothing happens for a whike he suddenly looks at you and has a mestivious grin on his face... thats probably nothing good.. you slowly backa way as he steps closer to you "I have a great idea!" He says while smirking, you gulp

"W-what is it?.." you stutter out, he slowly backs you up against the railing, your hands start to shake "w-what a-are y-you d-doi-ing?" You manage to stutter out, but before he could respon you two suddenly hear a loud hiss and a low growl... oh shoot...

You and b/n immediatly whip your heads towards where the sound came from, and your eyes widen...its...its a mer... its more beautifull then you could ever imaging.. its colors softly glowing in the dark as it sits on the catwalks.. growling at your diraction.. your frozen, staring in awe at the beauty of this mer...

Its all shades of dark blues and purples.. a bit of black too.. his skales glitsing in the dark.. his red glowing pupils detailes and in a thin line in a sea of black, his teeth are a bit bared, he has light blue fins all around his body, and a weird looking limb on the back of his head... moving slightly like a tanticle. What most cought your attention though is the golden lines going through his fins, slightly glowing in the dark.. and his skales shimmer a bit like he has sparkles all over his body.. its beautifull....

You suddenly yelp when you feel b/n gra you and throw you towards where the mer is, you groan in pain, slowly lifting yourself, trying to understand what just happened when you hear a low growl... right above you... you slowly look up and whimper in fear, your way too close to the mer... and he looks angry... though.. he doesnt even look down at you... his eyes are locked onto b/n.. your body is shaking slightly as you watch the mer slowly drags himself closer to b/n...

You watch in horror as it growls louder whike b/n starts to shout at him.. your attention is ripped from thenm though when you suddenly hear a soft thump right next to you, and a soft coo... looking up you see another mer.. identical to the first one but... instead of dark colors. His very bright, all golden yellows and creams over his body, his fins are a mix of orange and red... he has fins surrounding his head lik a flower.. his eyes are white irises in a sea of cyn.. and his staring right at you...

You flinch with a whimper, the mer has his eyes half lidded, he looks very tired.. like he just woke up from a nap...oh...
"I'm s-sorry.. I-I di-dint m-mean t-to w-wak-ke y-" you whisper, tears start to go down your cheeks as you try to scooch away.. the mer softly tilts his head.. slowly reaching for you, you squeaze your eyes shut, body shking in fear.. awaiting for your end... but it doesnt happen.. what does happen though, is you get lifted off the ground, getting a startled squeak out of you, the mer presses you against his chest as he drags you both into the water... you shrink in yourself. Body shaking even more.. his going to drown you.. "p-plz d-dont.." you whisper.. the mer looks down at you, cooing and werbling softly at you, licking your face from your tears, that isnt aggresive behavior.. w-whats going on?...

You two suddenly fall into the water and you quickly take a sharp breath squizing your eyes.. but your face never hit the water.. actually half of your torso is out of the water still... you slowly let out a shaky breath.. looking up at the bright mer that has a tight gentle grip on you, he looks down at you with a soft, lazy smile, cooing and purring at you softly as he makes his way towards....somewhere...

Theres a hidden area back there.. a small cave like place between the rocks.. in the middle a bunch of seaweed and other sea plants... the bright mer takes you there, he suddenly plops down curling himself around you and purring loudly.. you force your body to relax a bit, taking deep breaths, your hands finally stoped shaking after a while as you snuggle a bit closer into the warmth of the mer.. maybe they wont harm you after all..


This one turned out pretty short... but Im ok with that! It turned out cute so I dont care!

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