mer octopus eclipse x reader p 2

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Its been 5 monthes since you were upgraded to be the 2 eels and octupos mer handler, sun and moon slowly learned how to control the shocks a bit more. So they werent constenly shocking you now, eclipse finally started opening his eyes, his vission getting better and when he first saw you he was so happy! Nuzzling into your cheek and always wanting attention, always wanting to get close to your face, which was sweet and quite funny,

The grew a lot faster and now they were in tge size of almost big dogs! Today your moving them to bigger tanks, well tank, and they will be displaid in front of the public eye for the first time, you found the perfect place for them so they wont be too overwhelmed, and all 3 of them are gonna share a pretty big tank, they will be able to swim a lot more freely, its now early in the afternoon, you just finished setting up the new tank and now just letting it be filled with water while you go visit your favorite boiss!

Youll have to bring them to the new tank after hours, meaning you'll have to stay way past your time, but you get the extra pay so you dont realy mind, plus! More time spending with your fishy friends!

When you enyered the back door to their tanks, you immediatly heard chirps and clicks, whines even, you usialy visit tham straight up in the morning, but today you had to spend a couple of hours setting their new tank so they had someone else feed them breakfast to them... poor zack almost got his fingers snapped, youll have to lacture them about that too,

You tried to look as angry as posible, hiding the happiness you had to finally see your babies, eclipse whined looking up at you with big pleading sad eyes, while sun and moon looked away guiltly, you sighd a deep breath and it made them shrink, "moon," you said, trying to sound stern, he sharnk with a small whine, "why did you bite zack today?" You said with a soft glare,  moon avoided your gaze, growling and chirping lowly under his breath with a slight frown and a hiss, "no. He only tried to give you your food today. What did I say about biting?" You said softly. He tried to glare back at you only to look back down with another whine.

"Dont think your off the hook sunny." And sun immediatly hid behind his brother, fins pining flat to his head with a small whine "why did you shock zack? And eclipse! Pulling ppl into your tank is dangerous! Zack doesnt know how to swim!"  You said with a disapointed sigh, they looked down guiltly "this is the last time I want to hear about something like this happaning, ok?" You said sternly, they all immediatly nodded, eclipse immediatly making grabby hands to wards you with a small whine,

You sighed and crouched down, slowly reaching your hand into his tank, he immediatly grabbed your hand and nuzzled into it, making you chuckle while patting his fins, sun and moon quickly swimed towards your hand as well, you stuck another hand and the both hugged it with a purr and delighted and happy chirps, making you giggled and laugh,

Sun, moon and eclipse suddenly exchanged glances while nodding, you forrowed your eye brows.. w-
You suddenly yelp when they pull you inside the no too big tank, its actually in the size of a small pool, you quickly breathed in air before meeting with cool water, when you poped your head out you gasped with a couple of coughs.
This is the first time youve been in their tank.. and to be honest, you were a bit afraid, you were pretty much hopeless in their open arms in their tank, they could do whatever they wanted to you now, and although you knew in 100 precent that they'll never hurt you, fear still started clawing its way up in your chest.

Eclipse's head popped infront of you with a giant tooty grin, you chuckled awkwardly "U-Uh g-guys? W-what are you-" you yelped when you felt someone swim right into you, hugging your stomach tightly, you giggled when you saw sun's cute face peek up at you from your stomach, sparkles in his eyes, moon swam behind you nuzzling your cheek and eclipse was inches from your face with big curious, sparkling eyes. Yoi giggled "finally had enough of just snuggling into my palms?" You asked with a soft smile and a tilt of your head, making sun and moon purr louder while ecliose chirped happily tilting his head as well,

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