a rewrite for the first ever oneshot!

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You were a weak little girl… thats what everyone in this godamn ship ever told you as soon as you were on board…. Yes, you were a woman, and that made you weaker then the men. but it doesnt mean your useless! the captain would always give you the most annoying chores and tesks such as cutting potatoes cleaning his desk ordering the treasure maps..

You hated it, how he would fret over you like you were some lost kid. he wouldn't stop flirting with you.. you were well aware of your apperences, you were one beautiful woman.. thats what most ppl told you anyways, you always had a fascination with the oceans and seas wanting to explore, but… this world didnt want you, since you remember yourself, youve always been told that you were a lady, and needs to act like one…. Which you didnt listen to and acted the exact oppisite, climbing on trees and reading books, always outside.

And when you finally found a ship that the captain was a friend of your parents, and  allowed you to hop onto his ship, ofcourse you hopped on!!...
You just didnt expact to be treated this poorly… ugh..

Everyone of the crew always acted so inappropriate and illmanered, yess you were a wild child, but you knew your manners very well.
The captain wasnt much better, getting drunk way too often, and when he did, you would hide waway in your quarters, knowing he wouldnt get you there…. You hoped so anyways..

You huffed in annoyence as you continued splashing the old rag in and out of the bucket, cleaning the deck.
You whipped your head to a diraction when you heard someone call your name and internly groned.. (decided to change his name! Meet jeff everybody! And yes. His still an ass to you.) It was jeff, he always had something against you since you rejected him, like the dude was touching you all over and was about to fucking kiss you when you said no multipule times!! You had to kick him off you, literally, and call the captain on him, and since then, he always gave you the stink eye… you just dont have the mental powers to even hate him, just done with all his ordeal…

“oi! Captain wants to see ya in the fish room! Now.” he said with a heavy pirat accet, you tilted your head with a raised eyebrow, and he rolled his eyes “weve cought some big fish today, the legendery beasts are gonna make us fucking rich!” he said with a toothy grin, you forrowed your eyebrows “ok, umm why does the captain needs me down there again?..” you said still confused and he deadpaned at you, “the captain said your the most knoledgble in the crew, wants you to help him check the fish or somthin, dont know. Now come on already!” he grabbed your wrist and you snatched it back, wiping it on your clothes “yeah yeah coming asshole.” you growld under your breath, putting the rag and the bucket aside, hearing him muttering curses under his breath as he led you there.

“now, is top secret! You tell someone! Captain gonna throw ya off the ship.” he said witha grin and you rolled your eyes, its not the first time captain called you for these kinda stuff.. you just hope its not something too big, the last dolphin that you helped wasnt easy at all..

You both made it to the ‘fish room’ you always snorted at how stupid the name is, basicly this room was closer to the wayer from the rest of the rooms, there was a door on the floor and a net there, a pretty smart way to catch some fish, but sometimes they would like to catch other creatures as well… which you didnt like at all, as you stood infront of the door, you heard muffled shouts and….growls?... wierd animalistic sounds?..ok.. what the hell is-
Jeff finally opened the door and you froze
In the middle of the room, there were.. the most beautifull creatures youve ever laid your eyes on, you gasped, eyes wide, and the caprain turned to you, immediatly a smile crawled on his face, “ah! Darling! Come’re my beautiful treasure~ ” you slowly stepped in, never taking your eyes off of the beautifull beings in front of you.. though your smile slowly faded when you saw the ropes and nets they were cought in, the crew of men forcing them into a big cage, bloody cuts and wounds, bruises too all over their body, your face twisted into sympathy.. poor things..

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