mer sun x reader

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My art👆👆😎😎

Your researcher for plants. And your gonna do a research soon.
Like you did many times before, but this is the first time youll actually gonna do it alone, on an island, with no human interaction, for a whole month!

Yeah.. a bit worrying...but! Your determint! And, you now your ways in nature! You know how to build a tant and everything! Youll have a weird walki talki you could talk through in imergansis.. but that tiny island is secure.. they said that therd isnt much there... and there are plants that need investigation.. and thats what your gonna do....

You'v been sailing for almost 10 hours.. but youll get there soon.. in like an hour or two.. you sit back at your bed, you hardly got any sleep, youll need rest. But you couldnt fall asleep! Way too excited and nervous at the same time! You checked like for like millions of times before the trip that you had everything! But still! What if you forgot something? Then youll be stuck! You had your trusty journal in your hands.. full of pics and diary pages.. even some stuff that you found and could glue to the pages like a nice stone you found, or a pretty flower, a leaf, you even put a pretty shal you found at the beach, you took it everywher with you. and when you get board or burnt out of work, you would flipp through the pages and see how far youd com! You already acomplished so much!

You sighed a deep breath before julting in surprise at the horn that suddenly blew.
You immediatly got up and took your bags.

Finally you got down to the beach and looked at the woods in front of you.. wow...nature was so beautiful, it never stoped surprising you, you jumped at hearing another horn
"GEEZes christ!! Ughh...." you took another deep breath and started walking towards the trees.. you need to build your tent before it gets dark...
Its early in the afternoon, the warm sun shines through the tree leaves, it was beautiful.. plants and flowers not touched by human hands...
You breathed in the fresh air.. the sounds of birds and other little creatures was all around you.. yup! You found the perfact place to camp! You can even hear water splashing somewhere! Maybe youll find a clean water source!! And with that in mind you started unpacking..

Its been... a couple of hours.. the sun is starting to set.. painting the sky in shades of pink of orange...truely a marvel in nature...
You huffed a breathe of air, standing up right, and put your hands on your hips. Its finished! Your hard work! The tent was up and looking pretty good, if you could say yourself, you did a pretty good job! Mentaly patting yourself on the back, you got inside and set the sleeping bag, next to it the little safe compartment of food for the rest of the month.. your cooking supplies too.. you had a little table as well, allowing you to sit and put your research on pages... in short paper work..ugh.. you hated that part..
You streched and heard a setisfieing click.. you yawned.. damn its been a long day... and you cant wait to just sleep.. you sliped into the sleeping bag and got some shut eye...

The next day.. you woke up bright and early! Acording to your watch its currently....8:00 AM! Good! You washed your face with the water you had (wich was a lot! You dont have to worry about a thing!) And you made yourself coffee. Yup! Coffee in the middle of the woods right? But yeah.. you were like that, you didnt care though..

After breakfast and a good cup of coffee you packed a little bag of research supplies.. including camera, and acouple of snacks a water bottle too! Its important to stay hydorated..
And out to the woods you go!!

Firstly you need a clean water source! You HAVE to atleast find somewhere you could take a bath...that isnt the ocean... you had igen supplies too! Including shampoo and everything! Even though you liked hiking a lot, that did not mean you were dirty or smelly. You were actually very clean and tidy!

After at least 30 minutes of wandering around you finally heard the splashing again, a lot closer now.. you pushed through the bushes only to gasp in delight.. a beautiful lake, surrounded by plants, bushes, flowers, trees, and what not? It was a magical sight, nearing the lake you see the splashing sounds coming from a little waterfall, it was almost perfect, the water so clean and clear, you could almost see the bottom!
Of course you wouldnt use this water to drink, though they look ok to do so, you had enough water that could last u for ur stay here.
You crouched down, reaching a hand to the water, your fingertips touching the surface, you smiled.
Nature was so beautiful, you just sit here for hours.

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