mer family x child reader

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You walked alone on the beach... no body is here?...where's mama?....

All you knew was mama was realy angry at you.. hit you and then...she just bruoght you here and gone... you said you were sorry... you held your still burning cheek... tears going down your face... you walk mindlessly in the soft sand... you saw a big red sign when you first ebgered the sand but you dint no what it meant... your cloths are a bit torn here and there... some bruises hurt less some more... you had a couple of marks that wouldnt come off...

You walked and walked.. the sun slowly setting.... its getting dark.. your scared of the dark...

You flinch when you feel something wet drop on your nose.. the another the another, and suddenly it started poring, you run, hugging yourself from the cold... you saw a cave and enterd it.. it wss pitch black.. you gone further and further into the cave till you were near water... you sat at the sand, hugging your kneese against your chest and cried...

your body shook.. it was so cold.. and you were tired and hungry... your bruises hurt... you didnt know what to do...

You suddenly hear a chirp, you whip your head up startled, you see a big glowing fish...with has big blue eyes and a golden body.. you look at him with never saw something like this before... his face reminds you of the sun you like to draw.. a sniffle escapes you as you scooch away, stil shking from the coldness,

The creature looks a bit sad.. looking at you curiously but sad.. he sliwly aproaches you, you dont move, just look away as you wipe your face from your tears and snot... he chirps and does a series of clicks.. but you dont understand whats it saying...
He sits next to you, his a bit smaller then you, he puts his hand on your trembling hand but as soon as he touches your skin his eyes widen and he chirps loudly, you weince from the loud voice and look up to him with teary eyes.. now he looks extrimly sad...thats a different jind of sad.. like sad for someone else..

His holding your hand now, sounding chirps and clicks.. you dont understand.. but his hand is realy warm... you look at his hand, then back up at him... he frowns and scooches closer to you, slowly hugging you.. you froze... the only one that ever hugged you was papa... but one day he just gone...and you never saw him again... you started to cry harder, slowly hugging back.. you burry your face in the creature's neck...he was so warm...

After a long while you finally stopped shaking a bit.. his warm body warming you up...but not enough.. it was still very cold.. the creature looked at you then did a couple of chirps.. gave you a lick on the cheek and suddenly he let you go.. going back to the water... you frowned at him... eyes watering again.. he looked at you, frowned, did a chirp and swam away..  why does everybody live you?....

You shook vioulently... hugging your self so hard that your nailes started diging into your skin... you barely could feel your freezing toes and fingers... after a while crying into your knees you heard a splash.. you shot your head up.. there were 2 more creatures...

One VERY big.. with big glowing orange eyes.. pointy teeth... and sharp claws.. it had four arms... all orange and black.. you whimpered and scooched away.. the yellow creature chirped with a small sad smile.. coming closer to you.. you looked at him then at the big one... the yellow one outstretched his hand for you... you hasitated for a bit but took it... he slowly helped you up and lead you closer to the other two creatures...

There was another one... bigger then you but smaller then the realy big one... he was blue with red eyes... he looked at you with big curious eyes as the yellow one lead you closer to the big one.. they all were glowing in the dark.. it helped with the fear of the dark a bit...

mer sun/moon x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now