royal mer eclipse x reader. SMUTT!

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It wasnt that late, 10PM ish, the sun set hours ago, you hurried down the beach, soken wet, your hair was stuck to your face as the rain drops poured and poured, you wish you could stay outside, but last time you did it you cought a terrible cold,  and your not planing on staying in bed for the rest of the week.

The waves were massive, the roaring of the sea filled your ears along side with the pouring rain, you guggked and laughed as you ran, stumbling here and there but continueing....

Ok if you continue in this conditions your bound to get a cold.. and your hous is like 7 minuts from here even if you ran..

You saw a cave when you walked by here earlier in the sunset, guess now is the time to explore it.

You dashed to the small enternce.. heaving with a huge smile, you shake your head like a dog and laugh.. you take out your phone that was still in a plastic bag, you are learning from your mistakes! (About time) you turn on the flash light..
Ok.. wow.. this is probably dangerous..

Should you?......


Eh! What could possiblly happen?
You continue on, your shoes doing squish sounds everytime you take a step, making you cringe, you look around corners and giant rocks, you found some cool looking flowers here and there, you even stuck one in your damp hair and took a picture, leaving the flower on your head. along side with beautifull shells and rocks, youve slowly gone deeper and deeper..

You crouched to get another pretty shell when you saw a small opening, the sounds of the sea coming from there but... no sound of rain... you crouch more trying to look inside.. theres a faint light at the end....

You slowly crawl on all four, grunting as you crawl through the little space, when you finally reach the end, you slowly stand up in a more open space, and you gasp in delight when you find... crystals.. there were three.. but they were So beautifull, you crouch down and exmine the beautifull glowy glass. Too bad you cant get one.. you follow the crystalls and there are more, with beautifull illuminated glowy colors, you smile brightly, snapping pictures as you walk, you freeze when you suddenly hear very faint sounds... slowly creeping closer...those are voices...

Who the fuck is in here excapt from you? Can it be that this cave is already taken by someone else?..
As you crouch and continue, the sounds slowly getting louder and louder, "yeah man!...... his...... dude!... fish!..."  your shoulders relax a bit when you hear the fammiliar language, but that doesnt mean its still safe.. so you continue, till you reach a giant rock your, hiding behind it, the voices are just behind it, and it sounds like theres a more open space there... with the sounds of waves..

"Dude! That thing will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams!"

"Even better! We can chop it to peices and sell every piece in fortune!"

"Yyyees! But this is only between you and me yea? No one else!"

"Are you crazy man? Of course!! I fucking know that!"

"We could sell this oversized fish maybe even the goverment, they are sure to give millions for this kind of descovery!"

"Hell yeah! Lets get the other nets and viachle, but were gotta be fast!"

"Nnaah I'm not worried, this guy-"

Your eyes widen when you hear a animalistic yelp and a low growl witha hiss.

"-cant do nothing like that, I can even touch it and it wont move, were fine. No one ever gets into theses caves anyways."

The men argue for a couple more minuts becore dessapiring.. when your sure theyre gone you slowly peek your head, and your jaw dropped to the floor, eyes wide in horror and marvel.

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