mer octopus moon x blind reader

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"This is a really really bad idea!!" You whimpered but got slapped at the back of your head "shut up! Were allmost there!" Your brother said angrily.. he always does stupid things and you get the punishment for them... you never were the favorite in the family.. you were like the black sheep.. while your brother used you and bullied you, your parents never cared.. at least when youll be older youll get out of that pathatic excuse of a family...

Your brother laughed at you as you held the railing like your life depended on it.. the waves rocking the small boat back and forth... you hated it.. well that was a lie.. you loved the sea.. even though you could never see its beauty... it's smell and sounds were so relaxing... you always loved to hear the waves...

but now, the waves were underneath you.. and as much as you liked sailing, you were afraid.. you cant see! You could easly fly off bord into the water! and when your underwater you wont know if a big creature would be infront of your face! Hell you wont even know if you were swollen whole untill your completely dead!

And your brother just HAD to pick a boat THIS open... ugh.. you yelp when you feel the boat suddenly rock way too much and you hear the sound of thunder from a far...

Are... are we hading into a storm??.. ugh.. of course your brother is stupid like that.. "b/n This is really not safe!!" You shout as the sound of the waives is getting stronger "shut the he-OH MY FUCKING SH-"  you jolt when you hear a giant crash, and the next thing you knew you were flying into a diraction.. your back hit the boat house wall hard and you fell unconscious..

You slowly get awareness..and the first thing your aware of is the pain.. your back hurts like crazy.. you dont think you broke anything but damn... thats probably an ugly big bruis decorating your back... you here the sound of waves..

You try to sit up but immediatly colapse with a cry of pain..ugh... where is your stupid brother?...did..did he die?... a shiver got down your spine.. I mean he was never nice but your not that cruel that you dont care if he died....maybe....

You huff to yourself trying to turn around but immediatly regrat moving as pain shoots your nerves.. "god fricking dammit!...ugh..why does it hurt so bad..." you try to feel around you... your on the floor of the boat... k?...the boat is sited in an can feel that the floor your laying on isnt straight.... how will you survive...are you gonna die? cant see a godamm thing! How will you survive?...there is emergencies stuff in the boat house...if you could just..

You grunt in pain as you attempt to try to crawl but your body is sore... you can feel the warm sun on your back...slightly... and its a bit chilly... your face gone pale... its almost night time?.. you think... you could be completely wrong... you wish you were.. but it feels like it...literally..

You just layed there.. you dont know how long.. you cant even tell the felt like hours... and... unfortunately for you... you were right... the night fell.. and your body shivered in the cold.. you still couldnt move... you tried... you crawled only a little bit and you were crying in pain... you start to believe that you did breake something... but you can still move.. it just hurts like hell...

You shiver in the cold as you hug yourself.. curled into a ball.. it was painful to lay on your side... but you managed..  grunts of pain leave you every now and then.. you cant even fall asleep.. all you can think about is the pain and the cold...

You froze when you hear a splash... not too far from the boat... suddenly the boat shifts as something heavy crawls onto it, you squeak as you feel your self starting to slide a bit, it suddenly stops.. everything frozen.. theres a quiet pause.. then a low growl....holy shit... what the fuck was that??... welp.. guess your gonna die by a shark or something...

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