mer sun and moon x reader SMUT!

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WARNING! SEXUAL SCEN!! And slight smutt (i thinknits smutt idk)

It was mating season... you were a gold fish mer... wich means... you were one of the most beautiful and wanted mers....

You hate to admit that you liked the attention...though when it was mating had to hide...
A lot of different mers were out to get claim you as theyre's...

So you hid away.... you didnt have any friends.. cause of the fear that theyll turn on you... and becuase most mers were jealous...

You sighd as you sat in your little cave.. you had no chance in fighting either.. you were a bit smaller than other mers... but that doesnt mean you were a coward! You were pretty fiesty! And you were kinda proud of it..

You sighed deeply when you heard your stomach growling at you...guess its time to go hunting...hopefully no one will see you...

You swam far away from all the other mers.... it was a bit dangerous but you knew where was it the most dangerous places so... yeah...

You swam close to the ground.. swiming through the seaweeds.. you touched the soft sand that was beneath you and chuckled at the soft tickly sensassion...

After swimming for a while you managed to catch only a small fish.. you frowned.. guess youll be hungry tonight.. as you started to turn around you saw a glimps of a shimmer in the corner of your eye and you froze..was that another fish?..

You turned your gaze here and there... nothing... as you were about to give up you saw i again! Ir was coming from...there!..

You slowly swammed up to it and looked curiously at it...what is that?...
It was shiny...a small chain..a golden one...with pretty rockes conected to looked a bit old... but it was you slowly started to aproach the strage moved..

You tilted your head at it... its probably a trap... but it was shiny...and pretty.. it moved again..and started dancing around.. begging you to grab it.. you felt a fuzzy filling.. your mind going blank as you stared at the dancing shiny thing... your pupils have grown bigger the more you stared at it...

(You see what I'm doing here?😏😏😏... If its not obvious enough your acting a bit like a cat...)

You needed to grab it...grab...Grab...grab!!
You lunched at the thing and it slipped away not stopping dancing..

You smiled as you chased it around playing with it lunching at it.. it was so weird and fun!.. but your fuzzy mind didnt notice that, that shiny thing was leading you somewhere..darker...deeper....

And when you finally managed to grab it you snapped out of your fuzzy state and looked around you... your face gone pale... your at the dark caves...deep and dark...where the more dangerous mers lived...

and you walked right into a trap...

You yelped and hissed when a net fell ontop of you... trapping you in place, you hissed and clawed and tried to fight against it..

Oh nononono! Your trapped! YOUR GOING TO DIE! You clawed harder and hissed louder! No! No! Golden tears started flowting from your eyes.. the net dug into your scales and flesh.. your fins vighbrating in fear and frustration..

You froze when you felt movement in the water...

Two set of eyes glowed in the dark...
One red..and the other light blue...
Staring right at you..

You hissed theyre diraction, your fins vighbrating and expanding a bit..making you look a bit bigger then what you realy were...

You flinched when you heard a low chuckle..
You blinked and they were gone..

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