dazzle?? x reader

400 11 9

I swear Ima do the others, but Mocha_Luver mentioned them, and I kinda just saw a couple of vids now of the lunar and earth show and.. yea..

Its fucking 4AM in the morning and they thought itll be a good idea to bring a new mer in.... great...

Ugh! You hate feazco.!!

You grumbled to yourself as you walked through the dark halls of the facility, wondering why venessa needed specificly you.. yea your good with mers you guess.. irs not that hard, just dont be an abselute asshole to them and your fine...

Maybe your too nice sometimes...
But you dont really care, their better then people anyway, sure, they can get aggresive and stuff, (and maybe tried to kill you a couple of times) but most of the mers are chill, freddy is the nicest, he acts like a big brother of sorts?? Its adorable how easly he gets concerned, roxane is just gorgious, and with a couple of compliments shell act like an adorable puppy (with an ego).
Chica literaly trusted you the first minute you gave her food, she acts like your her best friend, always chirps happily while seeing you and waving her hands, 'begging' you to bring her new types of food (which you did gave her at the end... those puppy eyes always gets you..)
Monty always acts tough, he tried to bite at you multipule times, but his chill now, your cool with him, he sends you deathglares, but you did notice his tale wagging everytime you get into his tank, and that cute coo like thing that his doing every time you get in... it almost sounds like a nickname he has given you..

Then theres the celestial family, you love how much they care about eachother, its adorable, sun and moon took a bit of time to trust you, eclipse hates you probably..( but it doesnt explain why his tale waggs a lil bit.... and he stares at you a lot...) earth and lunar are just sweethearts! Their in the kids section too! And kids are allowed to touch them! Of course after fezear tested a few things....

involving you being thrown into their tank without warning and watching as you almost fainted from fear. But earth and lunar managed to calm you down.

And now you think theyre going to do it again.. why didnt you quit yet?.... thats a good question.. its cool to work with mers, and they pay ggood.. and you dont have anywhere else to go so eh.

You finally got into the new room, seeing venessa in front of a matel door, going back and fourth... thats probably nothing good.. "hey ness.. am I being a test subject?" You asked, getting straight to the point. She whips her head to your direction and smiles a tired smile "y/n, hey, sorry just had a long night... umm ye kinda ish, your just more friendly to those fish for some reson and fezzco wanted you to check on the new mer... we dont know their jender yet, always running away from our employees.. not seeming hostile, didnt even slash at the one that brought it food the first time.. so yeah.. your getting in there, I'll be here, if you feel like your in danger run and call me I guess.." she says nonchalantly and you aigh "yup k sounds good... the usual raise?" You ask and she nods.. you rubb your eyes.. here we go again..

But when you reach the door, venessa suddenly stops you, you turn to hwr with a questioning look "quick headsup... its... it looks...uumm... just dont scream cause it looks terrifien.. good luck!" And with that she pushes you in,  "wha-HEY- and I'm locked in... greaaaat... ugh...welp... lets get this over with.."  you walk on the soft sand and slowly come closer to the water... "uumm... h-hello?.. lil guy?... I uhh... I dont mean no harm!.. plz dont kill or jumpscare me.." you look around you.. the tank is.... dimm.. very dim... why- you freeze when you see two purple eyes stare at you.... why the fuck does this thing have deer horns???

You stumble a bit, eyes widening, you hear the smallesr chirp as it backs away.. whaa??... their body is under the water, you can only see their head.... how big did venessa say it was?... "uumm.. h-hi?.." you offer a wobbly smile as you wave your hand.. the mers eyes widen, his pupils widen with sparkles as a huge smile takes their wight oddly bone like face?.. aww.. thats actually kinda cute.. they chirp a small chirp as they get a bit closer, you try so hard not to take a step back, they look friendly enough... dont want to offend them... dont judge a book by its cover-MY FUCKING GOD! Your eyes widen and you fall on your ass as they emarge from the water..

Theyre fucking HUGE! theyre torso is super skinny, you can see their literal bones through the purple skin, bone like arms with huge fucking claws! Their tale is spiky with a lot of black and dark purples, and they have glowing light blue and pink dots all over their tale, plus a bunch of spiky fins like things, and fins all arouns their body in black and purple and a bit of blue.. you can literally see their heart through their skin, glowy and beating.. you gasp..

They immediatly lay close to the ground with a whimper and big sad eyes curling on themslevs..... you stare at them as they stare at you.. a long cute coo emits from them as they inch back a bit... aaawwwwww! Ok that was adorable!

"Oh my god! I-I'm so sorry! I didnt mean too-!" You stutter out in a squeak, they look away shamefully, ready to go back to the water, "w-wait!" They freeze and look back at you, tilting their head.. you take a deep breath and inch closer to them, sitting a few feet from them "Im sorry.. didnt mean to make you upset.. your just really big is all.. and I didnt expact that.. " you chuckle awkwardly as you rubb the back of your neck.. they smile happily, tale wagging as they sit next to you, you try not to flinch away and offer a friendly smile back.

They chirp and coo, and if you didnt know any better, youd say theyre a lil curious kid.. ha! Like this giant thing is a kid.... oh shit..

They point at some of your clothes and coo and chirp, and you try your best to explain... they even touched your arm, feeling your sking, and to your surprise, (and abselute terror) their arms feel like literal bons.. with skin on it.. you shuddered at the feeling.. they as carfully as poaible touched your hands, and arms, looking in wander at your sking and flesh.. they even nuzzled into your palm, you scratched and petted their head earning you a loud purr and a cute coo.. you giggled and you saw their smile grow wider..

When you were done and needing to go they hugged you agianst them and didnt want you to leave.. "look.. umm.. pall.. I need to go.. I'll come back tomorrow I promise! But for now I have work and other mers to take care of.." they nuzzled into your cheek with a half whine half coo and you giggled, cupping their face in your hands "oh come on.. itll be fine, I'll see you tomorrow ok?" They nuzzle into your hands with a purr looking up at you with big puppy eyes, you stood up and gave them a small smooch on the forehead, and they froze... you giggled as you saw a  purple blush start to coat their lips as a huge smile overtake their face, they suddenly pounced at you, pinning you to the gound, earning a yelp from you..

They started to lick ypur face not unlike a dog, you squirmed and laughed underneath them "hey!! Haha! N-no! Eeww ssttopp! Haha!" They finally got off you, nuzzling into you one more time with a purr and let you go, you waved with a huge smile and got put of their tank..

That was actually the friendliest mer youve gotton to meet so far..
You'll have to make sure no one else gets into their tank though.. they can be awfully playfull.. and you dont want one of the employees shocking them or hurting them in any way..

You got to their glass waving your hand as you saw them, they waved back inthusiastcly and got back into swiming happily, playing with the smaller fish threre.. you looked down to see the small next to their tank... dazzle huh?... heh.. cute..


Sorry that its super short.. Ive kinda lost motivation to write lately?.. idk.. I wanna focuse on my drawing more.. maybe I'll upload in the future maybe not.. sorry its shitty..

Anyways! Love ya my darlings❤️❤️Mocha_Luver thanks for the idea! Love ya!🥰🥰❤️❤️

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