moon x reader

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You were swiming peacefully, but above the water it was everything but peaceful, the giant waves crashing, the rain pouring, lightning and thunder.. yup, another storm, though it didnt bother you, you actually quite liked the sounds underneath the water, it was nice.. hearing the water splash, and muffled thunder, it was quite peaceful, and relaxing.

You suddenly spoted a boat... you perked up. Humans shouldnt be this far out, its very dangerous as well, espacialy at a storm like this.

You swam closer, being carefull not to get spoted, although, you dont think theyle notice you at a time like this, you peeked your head above the water, fins raising a bit in confusion and curiousity.. you saw one of the humans... being cornered.. he was awfly skinny... with blond hair, his clothes were drentched, and he was shaking.. you frowned..

All the other humans yelled at him.. you growled lowly.. humans can be such cruel creatures sometimes.. you jumped when suddenly one human hit him in the face, and he fell into the water..

Your fins perked up as you immediatly swamed to where he fell.. he tried to swim up but couldnt, you frowned softly at the poor...kinda cute human...

You slowly swam closer to him, as soon as he locked eyes with you he froze, body shaking, big fearful eyes star into your glowing ones... his afraid of you... you stared into his beautiful....light blue eyes.... they were different then yours.. it was fasinating, you shook your head, humans cant survive under water for long! You have to help it! Hopefully he wouldnt try to attack you.. though.. with your size compared to his you doubt he'll try to do anything..

You reached for him and grabbed his torso, pressing his back against your chest as you swam towards the surface.. away from the boat.. you brok the surface and you heard a gasp, and coughing, you looked worriedly down at the human then frantacly looked around you... AHA! thats right! Theres a small island not far from here! I could take him there!

You started to swim, holding the human in your hands above the water so he could....not die you guess?..

After a couple of speed swiming you finally got to land.. the storm worn out a bit, and the rain was finally gone.. the gray clouds slowly clearing out as the sun started to shine once again.

You slowly and gently put the human on the sand, he lies limply on it... eyes closed.. you start to panic! Did it die?? Did you kill him?? Did it not get enough air?

You think humans have a heart like you? Maybe? You searched for his pulse.. laying your head on his small chest.... you hear it.....small heart.. pumping.... oh thank the seas!

You slowly sit up looking down at the human... he was much cuter up close... yousmacked yourself as you looked away! NO! His not cute! Nopenopenopenope!

You perk up when you hear a groan... your laying a few feet from the human, so you wont startle him... you never been so close to a human before.. your fins viberated in excitment.. you curiously look him up and down as he slowly sit up and rub his head... he coughs a little bit and then looks around him, when his eyes are met with you he flinches... you lay low to the ground.. head laying in your hands as you inspect him from a far.. you dont want to startle him, but at the same time, youve got so many questions! And you want to sniff him! Feel his coverings! His skin! How does he feel actually? You were so cut off by trying to save him that you didnt notice how he felt..

He stared at you with big fearful eyes... he started to scooch away a bit and you frowned.. you tried so hard not to move.. practacly viberating in place.. he looked intimidated..  you dont blame him... you were intimidiated to if you were near a creature that was 3 timed tour size!

You gave a slowl little wave "h-hi!...are you ok?.. how do you feel?" You asked concerned.. he tilted his head.. and you mentally face palmed... right... human english.... your not that good though...

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